Chapter 5

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There was no better way to start the weekend than at one of your favorite coffee shops in the Tokyo area. The cafe held a minimalistic and clean atmosphere. It was furnished with warm cherry wood planks across the floor and counter tops with impressive glass windows that looked out into the lush green forest which resided next door. The open concept left a lot of room for natural lighting to illuminate the posh coffee bar.

"Thanks for agreeing to meet me." You say with hands encircling the warm cup of latte on the table in front of you.

"Nice to know I'm your second choice."

"Third." You smile smugly and your thumb plays with the handle of the ceramic gently, "Ieiri was actually my second but you know how busy that girl is."

Your friend gasps in exaggeration. She's appalled by your discourteous comment.

"Oh shut up, Iori!" You snap, "Satoru gives me crap for not making enough time for him. I don't need it from you either."

Utahime Iori and Shoko Ieiri were two of your very good friends from high school. The only ones you kept in touch with most in fact. Unfortunately, Shoko's demanding agenda made it almost impossible for her to attend casual gatherings. She worked mostly graveyard shifts as an emergency room nurse. Her taxing shifts induces her lackluster persona; making her gloomy and drab almost always. But the girl couldn't complain. As tired as she was, she loved helping people.

"I honestly don't know why you're still with that pretentious asshole."

"Wait, hang on." You lift a finger at the girl sitting across from you. Your free hand reaches into your bag to grab your ringing cellphone.

Incoming Call
Gojo Satoru (五条悟)


"Hey, what'cha up to?"

"I'm with Iori at Connel Coffee. Wait, let me put you on speaker."

"Scarface! Long time no see."

Utahime Iori's nose crinkles in distaste at the sound of Satoru's voice. She absolutely loathed him but since you were one of her best buds from high school she had no choice but to tolerate the guy for the sake of your friendship.

"Say that ONE more time, Gayhoe Suck-toru and I will END you!" Utahime was fuming from his insensitive nickname knowing very well she was self conscious about the scar on her face.

"Always so belligerent!" Satoru teases through the phone, "This is why you'll never have a boyfriend, Utahime.~"

"Satoru!" You take him off speaker and press the phone back to your ear while restraining your friend with a hand to prevent her from bashing your device to pieces, "Can you not insult my friends!?"

"Sorry, and I think you mean friend." He corrects. Satoru's voice hardly seemed apologetic. You could practically hear him smiling through the phone with that tone, "Why are you yelling at me? I just wanted to hear your voice. Do you miss me yet?~"

"Not if you continue like this, no! And why is it so hard for you to admit that you miss me!?"

"Men don't say sissy things like that."

"Grow up will you!"

"Come on, tell me you love me before I go.~"

"Satoru! Why can't you ever take me seriously?!"

The constant bickering was a habitual occurrence between the two of you. A lot of couples would likely grow weary of such a thing but you had become so accustomed to it that it was like second nature.

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