Chapter 6

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You sighed softly as you took in your surroundings. It was now night and the crickets were chirping their usual song. The neighborhood was peaceful and quiet; not even a rustle from the trees. Some flickering colors from a television screen could be seen through a window across the street and the soft humming of electricity could be heard from the telephone poles.

You kicked a rock on the pavement before turning into the Fushiguro residence and proceeded to walk down the stone path which was illuminated with garden lights, the plastic bag of bentos still in your hand. Once you reached the front door you raised a fist, however the door swung open before you could knock.

"(L/N) sensei!"

"Yuji??" You dropped your fist, "What are you doing here?"

The pink-haired boy wrapped his arm around his friends shoulder and drew him into view, "Fushiguro invited me over! We're studying for our exams."

Megumi clicked his tongue and with a roll of his shoulder, he removed Yuji's arm, "You invited yourself. Get it straight, Itadori."

"How'd you know I was here?"

"Dad." The somber boy replied whilst taking the bag of food from you, "Who else?"

"Oh, right."

"One of these are for you by the way." Megumi lifted the plastic bag up to almost face level.

"There's only 3 though." You responded, assuming that two were for himself and Yuji and the last one for Toji.

"Dad's not coming home for dinner. He told me you can have it."

You ran your tongue over your upper teeth at those words. Toji wasn't going to be back because he was currently with your friend, Utahime Iori. You grimaced internally at the thought of what they could be doing.

"Why don't you eat with us sensei? We could use some help studying!" Yuji grinned, "Study party!!"

"Uh..." You threw a hand behind your head and weighed the pros and cons. The last thing you wanted to do was tutor over the weekend. But at the same time it was hard to turn down free food and it's not like you had anything better to do since Satoru was still out of town, "Sure, why not?"

 But at the same time it was hard to turn down free food and it's not like you had anything better to do since Satoru was still out of town, "Sure, why not?"

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The low table in the living area never looked more disorderly. Amongst the clutter was the now empty bento boxes and a few textbooks with loose papers strewn about.

(x + a)(x + b) = x2 + x(a + b) + ab

"Alright, if I solve this before you—" Yuji said while scribbling madly, his pencil was literally going a mile a minute, "—then you have to eat my boogers."

"Ew..." you said under your breath as you watched the two boys. You admired how they kept themselves motivated to learn by creating some friendly competition.

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro TojiWhere stories live. Discover now