Chapter 2

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You stand in front of a two-story house several blocks from Yuji's place. The pink-haired boy definitely was not lying when he said it wasn't too far off. You take out the crumpled piece of paper he gave you last week; the one which held his friends address and phone number. You adjust the note before looking up and down from it to make sure the numbers on the paper matched the ones on the number plate in front of you.

You blow out your cheeks and shove the paper into the pocket of your oversized jacket, "Yep. This is it."

You adjust the strap of your bag that was slung around your shoulder and then you knock on the door. Some footsteps could be heard somewhere inside the home and it became increasingly louder the closer it got to the foyer. In a few moments the door swings open and you immediately put out your hand for a proper introduction; at the same time your eyes trail upward to meet the gaze of the man standing before you.

"Hello, I'm...." but you couldn't finish your sentence.

Your eyes slowly trickle down from his face to his torso. Damn this teenager's freaking cut. He definitely did not look like a teenager at all. Saying the guy was rather fit was an understatement. Just what did his diet and routine consist of? The man with the short dark hair gives you a quick once-over and you allowed your eyes (unknowingly) to study him much longer. His tantalizing green eyes reminds you of Satoru's blue ones. You could have sworn music started to play in your head. Were you the only one who could hear this love-making jam?

You're making me so high now
You're everything I'd ever want

The guy had a rather smug look on his face. He smirks, props his arm against the side of the door frame and rests his entire weight against it. He then places his other hand on his hip when he notices you gawking, "It's rude to stare."

His sudden blunt remark wipes away your indecent musing. You hadn't even realized you were literally ogling at him. You close your eyes and retract your hand quickly whilst shaking your head.

"So sorry! I-I didn't mean to! Can we start over?" You open your eyes and again put up your hand to the man you assume is your tutee, "(L/N) (Y/N), the tutor. I believe we spoke on the phone yesterday. You must be Fushiguro Megumi?"

"Toji." He replies and then he looks down at your hand before returning his eyes to your face. His own hands remain unmoving.

"Huh?" At this point you didn't know whether to keep your hand in that position or drop it back down. No matter what you decide, either way, it would be awkward. Of course it's always the good looking men who had no proper etiquette or common courtesy. You scoff internally at his disdainful attitude.

His mind smiles at your unnerving expression. He was enjoying the fact that he made you so nervous.

"My name." The man brings himself to a straight stand and he buries his hands into his pockets, "It's Fushiguro Toji. Megumi's father."

Then it dawned on you. Of course it wasn't Megumi that answered the door. But you also didn't expect his father to look so young either. You gather your hands in front of you and bring yourself to a slight bow, "My apologies, Fushiguro-San. I didn't expect Megumi to have such a young looking father."

He hums; feeling quite delighted from how formal and well-mannered you presented yourself. How far could he push you? This seemingly ingratiating girl?

"Tell me something, miss." He eyes you up and down again as you bring yourself back to a stand, "Do you enjoy wearing such tight clothes when you're tutoring?"

"E-excuse me??" You ask incredulously; feeling completely baffled from the unnecessary question.

How could he have the nerve to even ask someone that at their first meeting? Your clothes hardly seemed tight, nor revealing. Your apprehension to answer the question stuck out like a sore thumb and the green-eyed man could tell. There honestly didn't seem to be any correct answers to give the guy. No matter how you answer, he's likely still going to think your current clothes are inappropriate.

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