Chapter 12

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Toji descends the stairs quickly. He stops in his steps to the sound of loud clattering emitting from the kitchen. His head tilts towards the noise before he straightens his gaze. He then continues downward, almost galloping to the first floor.

Once in the kitchen, the man sees Megumi digging in the refrigerator. The boy brings out a Tupperware, he removes the lid and throws it onto the island before popping the glass container into the microwave.

Toji looks at the boy, then the fridge, then the microwave, then back to the boy, "What are you doing?"

"What does it look like I'm doing?" Megumi doesn't even look at his father, he continues to move around the kitchen, his stomach already complaining loudly, "I'm about to eat."

"Fix that tone or I'll fix it for you."

The green-eyed male had returned home from his work travel in the early hours of the morning. After being away for some days, his son doesn't even acknowledge him with an ounce of respect.

Megumi recalls all the discipline he's received from Toji as a child and remains quiet, not wanting to test the man. He knew all too well the truth behind his fathers words.

Toji noticed the front door panel of the dishwasher ajar. His brows knit together as he makes way to the cleaning machine which has never once been used since they moved in years ago. He pulls the panel down to see a number of clean dishes sitting on the upper rack before turning his attention to his son, who was now wolfing down the leftovers.

"Whats this?"

Megumi looks up from his cellphone to his father. His gaze shoots to the dishwasher and then back to the screen of his phone, completely unconcerned, as if this had been a standard customary occurrence.

The boy continues to chew the shogayaki while he answers, "Dishes."

Toji tilts his head up towards the ceiling, he closes his eyes and his lips pucker slightly as he ran his tongue over his teeth. If Megumi was going to continue being a smart-ass, he was going to make him regret it. The man strolls over to the island now where Megumi was sitting. He lowers himself and plants his arms down on the cold stone table before bringing his hands to a steeple. He then gives the teenage boy the look.

Megumi places his phone down and swallows his food, he knew that look all too well, "(L/N) sensei made me dinner last night. I helped her wash the dishes. Didn't know where to put them so I just threw them in there."

"She—" he pauses slightly, his voice etched with a bit of skepticism, "—made you dinner?"

Megumi nods and with his fork he puts another piece of the pork into his mouth. His mind goes back to the previous night. The conversation the two of you had now playing in his head.

"Look, Megumi. You're a good kid. But I think we both know that this is probably not a good idea. And also, I think our lessons should end."

Toji straightens up to a stand, he eyes the food carefully before reaching down to take a piece into his mouth.

"DAD!" The boys inattentive mind springs back and his hand falls slightly, it makes his fork hit the plate with a clink, "Your hands better be clean!"

Toji ignores him, he makes a face and nods with approval, "Not bad. How did you manage to make her cook for you?"

"I didn't." Megumi gets up from his seat and strolls over to the sink, "She offered."

"Oh ya?"

The teen turns the water on and begins to sponge the dirty plate, "Yep."

Toji's brow arches as he hums in curiosity. This idea that you cooked for his son. His mind couldn't wrap around the aim or the purpose. And even now, as he watches Megumi doing the dishes too. All of it was confounding.

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro TojiWhere stories live. Discover now