He always likes it when I do little things like this for him.

Once I'm done I put the towel down and grab my bag. "Ready?"

We both enter the agency, scanning our bands for access. We go towards the entrance only for upper authority like Lucas and I, and we enter our office. It's the same one Boss used, but we modified it so its more spacious and practical for the two of us. We set our stuff down and put our BlackPieces. Lucas heads out right away since he has been more active in the missions than me since I am also juggling college.

He's always running the moment he is here.

I sigh, plugging in my password and getting caught up on mission reports and shipments.

A knock raps on the door.

"Come in."

Raven steps in with her laptop in hand. "Hey Boss, I wanted to run over the new training simulator."

BlackLight started working on training simulators that train the agents instead of humans. Of course we would still teach trainees because human contact is important for combat, but this saves so much energy. Raven shows me the model and the new components and we add some more before I go observe the training grounds.


"Good job guys. I've been checking the reports and all of you have improved your skills well enough. I am so proud, and so will your parents when you show them tomorrow!", I walk around the small class of 8-10 year olds learning self defense. Majority were kids of agents, and Joshua and I thought it would be cute to showcase their progress.

After dismissing the class I get into the elevator to go to the office, sighing deeply. The door opens and I step out walking towards the office when a pair of strong hands grabs my waist and pulls me back.

I squeal lightly and those hands turn me around abruptly. His eyes are playful and he has a small smile on his lips.

"What are you doing?", I softly whisper, head turned up to look at him.

He caresses my hair. "Joshua called. They want to go to dinner tonight."


"As in 45 minutes. At Tokyo's Bar."

My eyes widen. Tokyo's Bar was a cute modern restaurant with the sexiest lighting and ambiance I've seen in downtown Boston. The sushi was good too, something I've been craving.

"I knew you'd like it", he whispers. "Let's go get ready."

I hopped in the shower the moment I got to my apartment. I wrapped myself in a towel and started my skincare and light makeup.

Lucas knocks on the door.


"Can I come in?"

I smile and decide to be playful. "What for?"

"I need to ask you something."

I smile. "Ask me through the door."

Lucas groans in frustration. "Amor."

I laugh and open the door. Lucas immediately scans me up and down, clearly liking the fact that I am only in a towel.

I lower my voice. "What do you need to tell me?"

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