78: Please I Do Not Want a Heart

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Night, Dream and the wolves reached another village. This time it is a bigger one by the harbor. The quintets are observing the bustling town from a high cliff.

The quintets have sparkle in their eyes. For all of them, this is the first time they had seen a harbor.

"They are lively." Dream unknowingly said.

The two puppies and the wolf bark once in unison to agree. That woke up Night from fantasizing.

"Ahem! Ahem! This is a first for me. Thousands years ago, it was not like this. How about you child? It is surprising that you are amused."

Dream subconsciously nod once.

Dream might be a reincarnated soul but this is her first time too. She never seen people living near the ocean, no she never seen a town right next to the ocean. In her former country, people treat the ocean as a tourist spot. There are no buildings and stores are more than a mile from the shore. The seashore are usually crowded with people barely wearing anything, and there will be lots of things that does not help the ocean which also litter the ocean.

The ocean here is calm and blue.

"In my former world, the ocean is scary."

Night flinched from that statement. For Night, the ocean is scary, after all underneath the water is an endless darkness where light cannot pass through. It is also cold and suffocating. That is why Spade is the strongest seal, as it's element is water.

Ironically the surface of the water is beautiful and healing. A lot of sea creatures thrives and the land living things also thrives from what the ocean offers.

The ocean is a blessing and a necessity, just like how the other elements is also important.

"Child, anything that is beyond our control is scary."

Dream once again nods and have a refreshing smile.

"Yes, but as long that each forces respect it's own boundaries, there will be peace just like this."

Dream closed  her eyes and let the wind embrace her. The ocean in her former world is scary. Through out the many generations that had passed, the ocean never failed to give, however, the living failed to do their part. The humans keep on taking and destroying the ecosystem of the ocean. Soon after, calamity came with it's rushing waves. Dream opened her eyes and observed the calm waves of the ocean. It is the opposite of the angry waves that kills so many in her former world. No one can stop the anger and agony of the ocean. The ecosystem of the ocean had to retreat to the deepest and the most dangerous part of it's body. They learn to thrive in the darkness and coldness, as long they are far from the humans.

Dream let out a chuckle, about the humans who is now trying their hardest to preserve what is left but soon after steal what had started to thrived in pretense that it is what the life cycle is. It was a never ending cycle and the one in losing end is the nature.

"I could watch this forever."

Night look back to the child who seems like found the one thing she wants to do.

Dream chuckled once again and dropped a bombshell.

"You know I asked to be a rock."

"Huh?!" Night almost fell from the shoulder he was perching on.

The three wolves also looked back to Dream with a very worried puppy eyes.

"What kind of nonsense!!"

"Just imagine it! I'll be a big rock and just enjoying the view like this, the refreshing wind and the serenity. It could had been an awesome life."

Please, I do not want a heartWhere stories live. Discover now