Chapter 131: Ellie

Start from the beginning

With a hardened look, Mr. Russell continued, "And I promise, as long as there is breath in my body, I will fight towards holding the Stevens responsible for their unconscionable actions. I hope today's event didn't deter you from assisting me in that process."

"Feels like I'm hurting more than I'm helping," I admitted with a sigh and sank down into the seat. "But of course."

While physically I'd only sat on a pressurized hot seat, my muscles and joints sagged with a weighted exhaustion. I felt like I'd gone a few rounds in a boxing ring and lost horribly by a knockout, which certainly explained the headache that throbbed in my forehead and sagged limbs.

"The fact that he's had questionable behavior as early as seventeen against a fourteen year old establishes some consistency with the other witnesses' testimonies," he replied firmly. "And because I firmly believe you clearly indicated no part of you consented to that assault, I'm going to corroborate your testimony with some witnesses."

I sat up slightly straighter. "Witnesses?"

Mr. Russell nodded and looked at Jake, Harper, and Logan. "I wasn't going to drag Jake into the mix but I submitted a written statement from Ms. Reynolds that she heard a scream during the assault, then saw Ryder hunched over while you left visibly upset from the bedroom, then the recap you told her the following day."

He dropped his briefcase onto the floor and sighed. "Ms. Reynolds and Jake both confirmed Ryder's rumor mill efforts to ruin your freshman year reputation and the existence of your nightmares, plus written statements from your therapist Dr. Sterns that outline the psychological suffering you've endured, both from the initial assault but Lucille and John Stevens' questionable-at-best NDA attempts to silence you."

"But..." Mr. Reynolds spoke up with a somber expression. "Tell her about the NDA, Jay."

Mr. Russell rubbed his forehead with one hand, lowered it, and looked at me with heavy eyes. "The NDA itself speaks volumes because NDAs don't hold up in a court of law for sexual assault and rape, so clearly they manipulated you from the beginning. However, the Stevens are not on trial for their actions here, only Ryder is."

While his voice sounded firm and confident, it did nothing against the emptiness I felt inside. With a quiet chuckle, he placed one hand on my shoulder and added, "And Mr. Hightower said he's more than happy to testify that he first pursued you, not the other way around."

"So... back up. If the NDA is not true..." My voice faded as my eyes lifted the 'why' part up to Mr. Reynolds.

He coughed slightly but kept his eyes focused on me. "To keep them quiet, from following through on their threats of defamation of character suits against you, Jake, and Logan."

Right... that.

Weight sagged down my body, even my lungs felt compressed as I slumped over and rested my elbows on my knees. While personally I'd wanted the entire experience to have stayed quiet, the last thing I wanted was Logan or Jake's lives impacted. Thankfully, Logan stepped towards my side, where his leg stood near the side of my head.

By the time I lifted my head, my mouth twitched, but not into a smile. "But if they testify, then the Stevens can question Jake beating up Ryder, right?"

"We've already submitted their statements as written evidence for now, but if the Stevens call them as witnesses, we'll be prepared," he assured me. "You did great Eleanor, certainly appreciate you coming forward with your testimony. If you get called back for any additional questioning or if Judge Volkman decides on the Stevens' motion that your testimony is struck from the record, then I'll notify you and Mr. Reynolds immediately."

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