Chapter 10: Nightmare

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I am back at... New Haven?!

Y/N: No.... It can't be...

New Haven is once again destroyed. I see Lilly and Jason escaping with their men.

Y/N: NOOO!!!

I start to run towards them. But then I heard a voice call out to me.

???: Y/N...

I stop and turn around. It was Rose.... She was with Rickie and Dawson.... They are all walkers, but they are able to speak.

Dawson: Davis would be disappointed that you let this happen!

Y/N: No....

Rickie: You are a horrible leader! Look at this place! It's destroyed because you are weak!

Y/N: I didn't want this to happen....

I felt tears coming out of my eye.

Rose: What did I ever see in you...?! How could I ever love you?!?!

Y/N: No.... Stop....

They start getting closer to me. I start backing up.

Dawson: Those fucks are still out there...

Rickie: You couldn't protect us from them....

Rose: And you won't be able to protect your new school either....

I trip and fall backwards. The three quickly grab me and hold me down.

Rose: You're a failure! You can't protect anyone!

Y/N: No..... NOOO!!!!!

They start biting me.


I shot up from my bed, screaming. I am out of breathe. I feel sweat coming down the sides of my head. I then hear Clem's door open, I hear fast footsteps coming closer. I then hear knocking.

Clementine: Y/N! Are you okay?!

Shit! I woke her up...

Y/N: I....I'm fine....

I see the doorknob turning, the door opens, showing Clem and AJ. Clem then covers her mouth and gasps as she looked at my body, covered with old scars.

AJ: Y/N...?

Clem turns to him.

Clementine: AJ, can you let me talk to him alone?

AJ: O-Ok....

AJ gave me a worried look before going back to his room. Clem closes my door.

Clementine: He'll be fine... he just cares about you.

I crack a small smile. But I frown shortly after. Clem walks over to me and sits next to me on the bed. Her face is red, she's looking at my chest.

Y/N: If you're uncomfortable, I can put on my shirt.

Clementine: It's not that... how did you get all of these...? What happened to you?

She was looking at all of my scars.

Y/N: Oh... those....

Clem gives me a worried look.

Y/N: I have so many... I never know when I get another, unless it's a large scar.

Clementine: Oh my god....

Y/N: This is what war does to you....

Clem is now giving me a sad look.

Clementine: You had it worse than me out there...

I frown.

Clementine: What was the scream about? What happened?

Y/N: It was nothing... just a nightmare.

Clementine: A nightmare?

I stay silent.

Clementine: Do you mind telling me what it was about?

I should tell her...

Y/N: It was the day... that New Haven got attacked.

Clem listens.

Y/N: I saw my friends as walkers, but they were able to talk to me. They blamed me for their deaths, New Haven's fall, everything. They said I was too weak.

Clem is now giving me a sympathetic look.

Y/N: They are right... I am too weak, I couldn't protect them.

Clementine: Don't say that. I wasn't there, but I know for a fact that you aren't weak. You are one of the most strongest survivors I've met.

Y/N: I... appreciate you saying that. But that doesn't make me feel better...

I look down.

Y/N: If I was really strong enough, Jason wouldn't even be alive right now. I had the opportunity to kill him, but I couldn't do it, I spared him.

Clementine: AJ had the opportunity to kill Lilly before...

I look at her.

Clementine: But I told him not to do it. But that got someone else killed.

Clem frowns.

Clementine: AJ got mad at me for it.

Y/N: I'm... really sorry to hear that.

Clementine: This might sound like I'm only saying this just to make you feel better. But I promise that what I'm gonna say next are my true words.

Y/N: Oh? What is it?

Clementine: Even though I only knew you for a few days, out of everyone here, you are the one I can relate with the most...

Y/N: Huh? How so?

Clementine: You had to survive... like me... everyone one here stayed at this school the whole time when this world became like it is. But AJ and I had to survive out there, including you. So I understand what you're going through. I've lost people out there as well...

Clem frowns again.

Clementine: I had a protector when this world started... his name was Lee....

I see tears coming out of her eyes.

Clementine: One day, I ran away... and he got bit looking for me.

I give her a sympathetic look.

Clementine: His death was my fault. If I never ran away, he would probably still be alive... I still have dreams where he talks to me.

Y/N: He seems like he was a nice guy... I would've loved to meet him.

Clem smiles at me.

Clementine: You would've liked him.

I now smile.

Y/N: Thank you for coming in here, and talking to me. I feel a lot better.

Clementine: Yeah. Just remember, if you ever have these feelings. Please talk to me. I'll do everything I can to help you.

Y/N: Yeah. I will.

Clementine: I'll be heading back now.

Y/N: Yeah, I'll help you guys in the morning.

Clem smiles, then leaves the room.

Y/N's thoughts: She's so caring... she reminds me of Rose...

I lay back down and go back to sleep.

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