Chapter 21: Violet

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It is the next day. We haven't seen Violet in a while. So me and Clem decided to come visit her and see how she's doing. We went to her house and knocked on her door. The door opens. We see Violet with a eyepatch. And burn marks.

Violet: Clem! Y/N!

Y/N: Hey, Violet.

Clementine: How are your eyes?

Violet: I lost vision in my right eye. But I can see with my other eye.

Clementine: At least you still have some vision.

Y/N: Trust me, you'll get used to it.

Violet: Maybe... you guys can come in.

We walk into her house.

Clementine: You have a good setup.

Violet: Thanks.

Y/N: How are you holding up?

Violet: I'm doing okay, I guess. Getting used to one vision.

Violet looks at us.

Violet: I guess we now make full pirates.

Y/N: Funny.

Clem giggles.

Violet: But... when I look at myself. The attack comes back to mind...

We frown.

Violet: Tenn... Aasim... Ruby... Willy... Omar... all gone...

Clem stays silent.

Y/N: Once again... I'm really sorry.

Violet: It's not your fault... but... I'm tired of losing people I love...

Clementine: I'm with you...

Y/N: It always happens... but we've lost a lot of people in only days...

I clench my fists.

Y/N: We need to avenge them. Take care of the people who did it. We also need to make sure that what happened to them, doesn't happen here to.

Clementine: Our manpower here should be good.

Violet: I hope so.

Violet scratches her arm.

Violet: I... had a girlfriend... who was one of Tenn's older sisters.

Y/N: Really?

Clementine: Her name was Minerva...

Violet frowns.

Y/N: What happened to her?

Violet: Delta... took the sisters... because our leader gave them to them. 

Y/N: Louis told me about that yesterday...

Clementine: Really?

Violet: What did he say?

Y/N: That the leader is Marlon, and he gave kids away.

Violet: I never forgave Marlon for it. Still don't.

Clementine: He almost got me killed, and tried to lie about me killing one of the former kids.

Y/N: Louis said something like that too.

Clementine: So he did...

We stay silent.

Clementine: I'll... get going. I'll see you home, Y/N.

Y/N: Okay. See you.

Clementine leaves.

Violet: So... you and Clem...

Y/N: Yes?

Violet: Are you two a thing?

I chuckle.

Y/N: You would be correct.

Now Violet chuckles.

Violet: I'm happy for you two.

Y/N: Thanks.

I get serious.

Y/N: I'm sorry about your eye. If they decide to come here. We'll get revenge.

Violet smiles.

Violet: I know we will.

I start to walk out.

Violet: Hey, Y/N...

I stop and look at her.

Violet: You're badass... if anything happens... I'm glad to have met you.

I smile.

Y/N: You too.

Violet then smiles. I then walk out of her house.

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