Chapter 25: Richmond attacked

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It was the next morning. Me and Clem are currently sleeping. I then slowly wake up. I look at Clem, who was still asleep. She has a smile on her face. I decide to stay laying down, as I didn't feel like getting up. But then Clem started to wake up.

Clementine: Hey there...

Y/N: Morning.

I lean over and kiss her on the check, making her smile.

Clementine: I don't wanna get up...

Y/N: Same here...

Clem snuggles closer to me. I wrap my arm around her and pull her closer.

Clementine: We can just stay here...

Y/N: Yeah...

We both stay in bed cuddling for a few minutes. But then I feel like getting up.

Y/N: Okay... I'm getting up now.

As I'm about to get up, Clem tightens her grip on me.

Clementine: But I don't want to get up...

Y/N: Okay... you can stay in bed then...

Clem doesn't let go.

Clementine: But I'm also comfortable...

I playfully roll my eye and drag myself off our bed. She kept her grip on me. She wrapped her leg and arms around me as I dragged myself out of bed. So she was on my back, holding onto me. I grab my bionic arm and put it on. I grab Clem's bionic leg.

Y/N: Come on now...

Clementine: Fine...

Clem puts on her bionic leg and gets off me.

Y/N: What's up for today?

Clementine: Maybe hang out with the others?

Y/N: Sure, we'll check on them and see.

Clementine: Okay.

We walk out of our house. We see Javi, Kate, and Jesus near the gates.

Y/N: Hey, guys.

They look at us.

Kate: Hey, Clem and Y/N.

Javi: How's it going?

Clementine: Good, what are you guys doing?

Jesus: Me and some of my guys heard some noise  near  here, we don't know if it's roamers, walkers, or....

Y/N: Delta and Abominations...

Clementine: Could they really be here...?

We see Kenny walking towards us.

Kenny: Hey y'all... what's going on here?

Clementine: Kenny!

Javi: Jesus heard some noise near here.

Kenny: Intruders?

Y/N: Maybe.

We then see AJ, Louis, and Violet walk over.

AJ: Hi, guys!

Louis: We saw that everyone was over here.

Violet: Is something wrong?

Kenny: We might have company...

Y/N: Abominations...

Clementine: Delta...

AJ: What?!

Louis: Why are they coming here?!

Violet: This is bad!!

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