Chapter 5: Last Pale Light

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I am walking down a path, a road.... Alone. I had to put down Rose before she turned. I lost everyone. All I feel is pain.... And wanting revenge. I am covered in blood. I see a walker coming near me. I don't get my knife out, I just walk towards it, slowly. When it comes to bite me, I just use my leg to trip the walker. I then just continue to walk. Not bothering to fight the walker. I don't have the energy to do anything. I just want revenge, but I can't get over what happened.


I am walking through a forest. I see a lake, of clean water. I rush over and put my hands in the water and drink the water from my hands. I then looked at myself from the water. I saw the old blood stains on me. I saw all of my scars, cuts, and bruises on me. I felt a tear come out of my eye and drop into the lake.


I am still wandering around. I find a log to sit on. I was also able to find some wood to make a fire. I take out my knife, it's still dirty from the fight at New Haven. I rub each side of the knife on my leg to clean it. I then check my ammo for my pistol and my carbine rifle. Still plenty. I hear a walker coming towards me. It walks into the fire, it falls down, it's still crawling towards me while on fire. I don't do anything. When it gets close enough to bite my leg. I just raise my leg then stomp on its head.


I slept on the log for the night. It was now day. I got up and see the forest empty, no walkers in sight. I then tear up, I used to have a nice bed to sleep on, plenty of people to see. But they're all dead. I had a dream, where I was still with New Haven, with Rose, Rickie, and Dawson...


I was getting hungry, I am once again wandering around. I am walking down another road. I see some old building. I walk inside the building, hoping to find food. But no luck. No supplies either.


I am completely exhausted, I am practically dragging my feet now. I am now in some forest. I am really hungry, really thirsty, still stained, not clean, tired. I couldn't go on. I had no more energy, no more hope. I then just lost it, I fell on my knees and then fully on the ground. All of my emotions get to me, I really miss Rose, Dawson, Rickie, New Haven. I miss them all. Due to being extremely tired and having no energy left with no food and water, I can feel myself on the brink of passing out. I hear footsteps coming towards me though. I can see two figures coming towards me. It looks like a man and a woman. The man had a bow and arrow, and the woman had a hat on.

Man: There's a body here.

Woman: Is it a walker? Or is it dead?

I start to lightly sob.

Y/N: R-Rose.... R-Rickie..... Dawson.....

The two figures are shocked. I probably scared them.

Man: The body is alive!

Woman: What happened to him?

I see them coming towards me. My vision then fades as I pass out.

Survivors (Clementine X Male Reader) RewriteOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara