"I know. I look ridiculous. Thranduil insisted and that elf does not take no-" she began to ramble but Fili placed a calloused hand over hers on the bar and said, "You do not look ridiculous, El. I just have never seen you dressed up like this." he told her quickly before a slight blush grew on his cheeks. She gave him a sheepish smile and was about to thank him when small hand landed on her shoulder.

She whipped her head around to see Bilbo smiling down at her. "Bilbo!" she exclaimed quietly and pulled the hobbit in for a tight hug. "Oh, uh, hello Ellía." Bilbo chuckled and hugged her back, surprised by her reaction. "I am so sorry. I should have gone out and looked for you." she whispered to him sadly. "No, do not worry. I've been sneaking around the palace and they've practically had you under lock and key. How did you sneak away?" he asked.

"I may have unleashed some lonely she-elves upon a grumpy prince." she said with a cheeky smile. Fili chuckled and shook his head at her before Bilbo stood up and said, "Come on. We're getting out of here." and held up a full key ring. "Quick, Uncle is three cells down." Fili told him excitedly and Bilbo rushed to Thorin. She the rest of the dwarves saw the hobbit, they began to cheer and Bilbo hushed them quickly. "Shh! there are guards nearby!"

Bilbo quickly began unlocking everyones cells and gathering them together. "Ellía you might want to go change, very quickly. The dress is beautiful but not exactly made for the escape I have in mind." Bilbo told her as he unlocked Fili's door. "Where should I meet you?" she asked as she began to pick up her skirts so she could run up the steps. "In the cellar!" Bilbo called as he ran to let the last few dwarves out.

"I will go with you." Fili said and moved to follow her, but Ellía stopped him. "You must stay with your Uncle and brother. There's a high chance that someone will see me and we can't risk the heir of Erebor getting caught, now can we?" she told him with a smile and hurried up the steps. "She is right, brother. C'mon. Ellía can handle herself." Kili said as he dragged Fili away and with the rest of the company


Ellía had safely made it to her room and was changing out of the dress and into the clothes she had arrived in, which thankfully had been washed, when her door swung upon

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Ellía had safely made it to her room and was changing out of the dress and into the clothes she had arrived in, which thankfully had been washed, when her door swung upon. She clutched her tunic to her chest and was about to yell at the intruder to get out, but she saw that it was Parisa. The girl quickly pulled the tunic on and began to lace up her leather corset. "Parisa, please, do not try to stop me." Ellía begged as she began to pull on her boots.

Parisa just shook her head as she carried something wrapped up in a piece of cloth. "In this short time I have known you, I have learned that it is no use to try and sway your mind when you have made a decision, Ellía. All I can do now is return what belongs to you." Parisa said quickly as she laid the bundle on the bed and unwrapped it.

The young elf gasped as she saw her swords and daggers sparkling in the moonlight. "How did you-" Ellía began to ask but Parisa cut her off. "No time for that. You must hurry. Whatever plan you have made with the dwarves will be discovered soon." Parisa said as she helped Ellía strap the swords to her back and hurried to fetch her cloak from the wardrobe. "I'll take you to the servants' hallways. They lead everywhere in the palace." She said and draped the cloak over the girl's shoulders.

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