'How did they go through me? I'm not a ghost or spirit am I?' Darryl thought to himself.

Darryl decided to just follow the strange person since he had no other idea where he was or how he even ended up there in the first place and the least he could do was follow a sort of guide.

Darryl followed the person all the way into a forest and stopped in front of a small clearing.

"Why is he here?" Darryl muttered.

The person mumbled something and a small but cozy looking cottage appeared, it was like magic.

'Wow.' He was amazed at the display of..well whatever that was.

The strange person went inside as Darryl followed suite.

All of a sudden the person got tackled in a hug by a black haired boy, clearly much smaller than the two of them.

"Dad you're finally back!" Exclaimed the small black haired boy with a huge grin plastered on his face as he released his 'dad' from the tight hug.

The older chuckled in response, put his hand in the bag, and brought out a cake.

"Oh! Dad that's a nice cake!" Exclaimed the younger boy, jumping up and down.

"Well I got it just for you," the person said, offering a small smile.

"Is Skeppy gonna be here too?" Asked the raven haired boy, looking around as if playing hide and seek.

The strange person sadly smiled in response, tears prickling his eyes as he knelt down and ruffled his hair.

"I'm sorry Sapnap but Skeppy can't come this time..." The older mumbled, loud enough for the two to hear though.

"Why? He came last birthday," Sapnap responded, tilting his head to the side in confusion.

"Well he...um, had to do something," His dad said, trying to keep a happy smile on his face as he struggled just standing it seemed.

"It's ok, he still got you a gift," he said, putting his hand out in front of a small gift and let it float towards them.

"Here," he said, giving it to the upset looking boy who grinned as soon as he saw it.

Sapnap quickly opened the gift without a moment's hesitation and found a white bandanna with a shirt that had a fireball as its logo.

"Cool!" He exclaimed.

He put the shirt on which was pretty big, maybe a bit too big since it almost reached the ground and the sleeves were long over his petite arms.

"Dad can you tie my bandanna?" Sapnap asked, putting the white bandanna in his dad's hands and gleefully looking up at him.

His dad smiled and let out a small giggle, "where would you like the bandanna?" He asked.

"On my head!" Sapnap exclaimed.

His dad nodded and quickly tied the bandana on his small head.

"Is this good?" He asked, once it was firmly tied.

Sapnap nodded and immediately ran to the closest mirror to see if he looked nice.

Darryl giggled at the duo, he found it cute and wholesome the way the two boys acted towards each other.

"Hey, I have to do something upstairs," said the older boy and walked upstairs, glancing one last time at Sapnap before continuing.

Darryl followed him.

He followed him into a bedroom when the door shut suddenly and he felt his blood run cold.

"I know you're there," said the demon boy, turning around to carefully look at Darryl.

"I-wha-what?" Asked Darryl, slowly going into a panic as he took a step back.

"Wait- no that's not what I meant, um... let me rephrase that," said the demon, breathing in before carefully speaking again.

"Ok, so what are you doing here, future me?" The demon said.

"I- well I'm not sure," Darryl responded, sighing as he rubbed his forehead.

"I think I'm supposed to find out about my past self but I'm not so sure it at this point..." said Darryl, fidgeting a bit with his hands as he nervously looked up at the demon before him.

The demon nodded.

"We can finish this talk later, would you like something to eat? Muffins?" The demon asked, suddenly taking a few muffins from his drawer.

"Um sure?" Said Darryl.

"Come, you can join me and my- I mean our son to dinner," the demon boy said.

"Wait but aren't I invisible? Also i'd prefer if you just called him your son aha." Darryl said, an embarrassed look on his face.

"Ah, it's all good heh. And well, you are invisible but I can cast a spell so you can touch and be seen by others for about two hours or so."

Darryl nodded in response and followed the demon downstairs for dinner.

Timeskip — after dinner (8:34 PM)

Darryl sat down on his past bed, nervously fiddling with his fingers.

He learned that his past self was a demon named Badboyhalo. If he was being honest, he felt like it was kind of weird meeting his past self and seeing how his life used to be except his past self didn't have a lover, well technically he does but it's clearly a private matter since he didn't want to talk about it when Darryl asked about it so he just stopped after asking him the second time.

"Sapnap's now asleep, how can I assist you?" Asked Bad, entering the room and sitting down on his bed right beside Darryl.

"Well, I just want to know a bit about how my life was before everything happens heh." Darryl responded.

Bad smiled, "I would usually go and help out where I can and harvest food or sometimes I would go and plan a date for me and Sk-" Bad said but cut himself off from finishing his sentence.

"For me and who?" Asked Darryl, tilting his head to the side in confusion.

"Me and my fiancé..." Bad mumbled, looking down. His eyes wet.

"Oh, I had a um...fiancé? Are they nice?" Darryl asked.

"Yeah..he was great," Bad said, a lovesick look on his face.

Darryl nodded, he knew he would probably not see his fiancé again but it felt nice knowing someone loved and cared for him at some point in his life.

"I think it's time that we both get some sleep, it's getting late." Bad said.

"You're room is the room on the left," Bad said, pointing to the left side of his room.

Darryl nodded and made his way to the room, making himself comfortable as he settled in the covers.

"I'll figure this out Zak..I will help you."


Hi I'm alive lmao-

Sorry if I took awhile to update this got kinda unmotivated :(

Hoping I can make chapter 10 in the next two days


🎊-drink and have a snack 


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