everything to me.

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it was new years eve, 11:11pm, stella and caleb sat peacefully on stella's porch watching fireworks explode.

line without a hook played softly in the background from caleb's phone.

"so-" caleb started, "oh lord- whats going on?" stella asked. "i just wanted to talk" caleb told them. "are you breaking up with me on new years eve?" stella asked.

"what the fuck? no!" caleb laughed.

"oh thank god" stella sighed in relief.

"i wanted to talk about moving" he explained. "i know you dad's wedding isn't until february but i started looking at places" caleb started.

"really?" stella smiled, "i did, i was thinking maybe march we move?" caleb spoke.

"march sounds good, we'll be in brighton for my birthday, so that'll be fun" stella smiled.

"yeah and we'd be here for our six months, we could go do something fun?" caleb offered.

"oh of course" stella beamed.

"great" caleb smiled kissing their forehead.

stella had never felt more safe.

sitting in the cold weather with the love of her life. life couldn't be better at this point.

"5-4-3-2-1" the countdown, caleb pulled stella into a kiss.

his hands on the side of her face, stella's arms around his neck.

"i love you" she spoke, "i love you too" caleb beamed.


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st3lla_x you are everything to me.<3 @/ ranboomc

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snifferfish my fav couple

piso4 yooooo

teefumz <333

the couple spent the rest of the night sleeping in each others arms.

a big day tomorrow, dress shopping.

stella woke up before ranboo, making her way downstairs making then waffles.

stella quickly made her way back to her room with waffles and orange juice for her favorite boy.

"sleepy boy" stella whispered, "hm?" caleb mumbled still asleep.

young love ~ ranboo Where stories live. Discover now