| new family |

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it had been a few days since stella moved in with her dad and matthew. everything was going great actually and she was beyond happy.

her and her boyfriend were doing great and they had finally admitted their love for one another.

nothing could ruin her mood, until it did.

"STELLA!" silas yelled from the bottom of the stair case. stella hopped out of bed and out their door. "yes dad?" they asked looking down the staircase.

"matthew and i need to talk to you" he told them. her heartbeat increased, "okay be right down".

she walked down the stairs in their plaid pajama pants and a oversized hoodie caleb and left for them.

"whats up" she spoke sitting at the kitchen island.

"well honey, matthew and i need to tell you something" silas explained. "okay is everything okay?" she asked anxiously.

"well stella, i have a kid" matthew spoke. stella's heart dropped to her stomach.

"oh-" they muttered, "i didnt tell you at first because i didnt want to overwhelm you or anything--" silas began rambling.

stella definitely got her anxious rambling from her father.

"and we'd like you to meet them" matthew cut off silas.

"dad, you cant just drop stuff like that on me! you should have told me from the start" stella shouted storming out of the room.

up the stair case she ran grabbing a back pack out of their closet.

picking up their phone and shooting ranboo a text.

my boy <3

i need you
to come get me
if possible

no no yeah
ofc, are you

ill talk about it
when you get

okay ill be there
in about an hour

thank you
so much

i love you :)

i love you<3

caleb put down his phone, grabbed his keys and rushed out the door.

"please open the door stell" silas pleaded knocking on stella door.

"go away!" stella sobbed throwing clothes in her backpack. enough for at least a few days.

"i was going to tell you soon, i just didn't know how you'd react and i didn't want to lose you again" silas begged.

"dad, you cant keep stuff like that from me" stella sobbed.

"im so sorry honey, i really didnt mean to" silas spoke.

stella's phone dinged,

new message from "my boy<3" here

stella unlocked their door and walked past silas, "where are you going?" he asked rushing after her.

"caleb's for a few days" she spoke slamming the front door.

young love ~ ranboo Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat