joystick | HEERINA

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It was raining and everything in the house was quiet, Heeseung was sleeping while Karina was playing video games. After a few minutes the doe-eyed boy came downstairs in search of attention...

"Good morning!" He said with a big smile
"Mhmh yeah, you too" replied the girl too busy playing, Hee walked over to the window noticing the heavy rain.
"It's still raining... do you want a blanket?" He asked Karina in case she was cold.
"Mhmh, you too" she answered again letting the boy know she wasn't listening.
He rolled his eyes annoyed and placed himself in front of the big screen, but nothing seemed to work, Karina was literally in another world. At this point Heng took the joystick and stuck his tongue out at her.

"What the... Heeseung! I was about to beat Winter and Ni-ki!!" The girl shouted getting up, Heeseung backed away with a smirk on his lips
"Give it back, give me the joystick" she said walking towards him
"Then come get it..." he said before running out the house followed by her.

"Come on Heeseung, it's raining, stop acting like this and give it back!" The boy shook his head hen he started to run again. Karina sighed before jumping on him, making the two of them fall on the wet grass. Heeseung wrapped his arms around the girl waist while laying down under the rain without caring about the glares and the amused faces of the neighbors.
"You know that you have to buy me a new joystick, right?" Karina asked raising her head to look at her dumb boyfriend, he just smiled at her and then kissed her forehead, pulling her closer to him.

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