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Start from the beginning

"You would love that wouldn't you? Who I bring here is none of your concern. And besides. Ana would have no problem with me bringing my Fiancée along with me" Romina said immediately regretting it. The last thing she wanted to do was get back at her shitty ex. Let alone use Joseph. She looked over to try to mouth an apology but Joseph was grinning his ass off. Romina rolled her eyes thinking to herself 'this prick is actually enjoying it' Joe stood up from his seat wrapping his arm around Mina, readjusting his glasses.

"Maybe you should just walk away. Keep the girls happy you know? I would hate for this evening to take a rather unexpected turn." he told Winston, making him turn around in annoyance. As he walked away I immediately stepped out from Joseph's grasp.

"Gee mina I had no idea you felt about me that way. I mean I would've bought a ring and properly proposed you know" Romina laughed before scrunching up her face. "It's not funny. And we're not getting married" She pointed a finger up as he grabbed it pulling her closer. "Why not? I think I'm a pretty decent guy don't you?"

"Joseph, you're nuts. You know that right? You're literally a mad man"

"Only mad for you."

"Oh my that was so corny. Either way it doesn't matter because I'm gonna tell Ana the truth."

"And why would you do that? This little ruse could be fun you know"

"No, It won't Joe. It'll be exhausting keeping up between my fake fiancé and planning my ex fiancé's wedding" She sighed, playing with the fabric of the table. Joseph placed his hand above hers.

"All the more reason to not tell her. Besides, how much worse could I possibly make your life? You're planning the wedding for a man who left you at the altar "

"I'm not marrying you. You know that right" She warned him as he raised his hands up in defense. "Hey. I wouldn't dare assume otherwise."

"I should probably buy you a ring though huh?" He asked, raising up her bare ring finger. "Yes. You should. I want a huge rock that Shimmers under the morning sun."

"If I didn't know any better I'd say you were marrying me for my money?" Joseph narrowed his eyes giving her a disgusted look. Romina gasped, putting her hand over her chest. "Me? How dare you assume something so vulgar of me"

"You are completely right. My apologies." Joseph nodded his head before picking up a glass filled with champagne.

"Romina" Ana yelled running from across the room to the two of them. "How dare you not tell me you were engaged. Winston told me and I covered for you of course but oh my lanta. You're getting married! Gosh I feel so bad!" Ana was just rambling. Romina looked at Joseph who was doing his best to hold in his laughter. Winston stood across the room fuming as romina sat there still in shock by her sudden burst of energy

" I mean here you are here planning my wedding when you have to plan a wedding of your own. How dare you keep that a secret from me. This is going to be amazing. I feel like we connect so much better now!" Ana paused to catch her breath. When suddenly she gasped picking up Romina's hand " Oh my? You're not wearing your ring. Sweet heavens, did he not get your one?"

She looked over to joseph astoundingly "Did you not get her a ring"

"Of course He did"

"Of course I did," They say at the same time. "It's just at the cleaners at the moment"

"Well when you get it. Please find me and show me. I would love to see it. Oh look there's vogue. I have to go. Duty calls. Ciao" She smiled looking at the business men waltzing over to them. "Now look at what you did." Romina said, scolding Joseph as his jaw dropped open. "Me!?" He scoffed before Romina stood in front of him"Yes you" "I didn't do anything."

"This is all your fault"He said, making her smack her teeth as Christine made her way to them. "You two. Follow me" She gritted stomping towards the corner by the sweets. "What is this? What is going on. And someone better explain now" She said, looking at them like two little kids in trouble. " She started it." Joseph whispered as Romina slapped his head. "Don't you blame me"

"Enough" Christine said, making them both stop. "Go on. Tell her what happened mina" Joseph said grinning as romina sighed "I told winston joseph and i were engaged and he told ana" She mumbled as christine's mouth dropped open. She stared at the two of them. "Yo-" She said before busting out in tears of laughter. "You two shitheads have to be the dumbest motherfuckers I've ever laid eyes on" She managed to say in her stifled laughter. "It's not funny" Romina groaned before laughing as well.

The lights dimmed, Ana and Winston began their speech while the three of them remained in their own little world. " I can't believe this. Who would wanna get married to you" Christine said, pointing at Joseph as he rolled his eyes. "Ha ha ha" He said in a monotone voice as Romina pouted "Aww. Chris stop being mean" She told her as the lights managed to find its way on them. "There they are! Those two women will be planning our wedding set for June!. Miss Romina Winstor and Christine Nomad'' Ana yelled through the mic as people clapped and pictures were snapped. "And look. She's standing next to her fiancée. Who better to plan a wedding than a woman to be wed, am I right?" She says as the crowd laughs and even more pictures of everyone are snapped. "Joseph smiled, wrapping his arms around Romina, bending down to her ear to whisper. "This is not good."

Christine stepped out of the spotlight to mouth to the two of them "We are fucked"

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