Chapter VI

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Third Person's POV

THE NIGHT OF the banquet. 

Every one wore the best dresses and attires they've got. The women were talking about the gossips they've heard from all over the capital. The men, however, treated the banquet as no other than flaunting their riches and gaining business partners for the winter that is to come.

Some of the nobles present are part of the First Imperial Battalion who just came back from war. All of then have sour faces. They did not want to be here in the first place. They wanted to be home and rest.

Being in the battle field for over three years, had a toll on them. Not just physically, but is also mentally. 

The young Baron, Carl Sanders, was just a newly wed when he departed from his fief, leaving his pregnant wife. He had not seen his wife and child for over three years. He wanted to see them immediately but this goddamn banquet had to be held. So his and his comrades expression can be felt to the other side of the nobles. 

But nevertheless, the banquet is for them. So they had to enjoy it one way or another. So, they've decided to just drink their emotions with the wine.

On the other side of the hall, where the royals and the Generals are located, the group is quietly talking in hush voices to avoid eavesdropping. 

"How is my Grand Duchy, Your Majesty?"

General Griffiths asked. Making the attention of his two sons change to their direction. The two, of course, are also curious on how their home is doing.

The Emperor's face grew dim. It was a question that he hoped the General would ask a little later. He did not give the answer immediately. 

Even the other generals are intrigued by the silence the Emperor made. Even the Empress and  the Assistant Vassal had the same expression.

Seeing this, the Griffith sibling felt a chilling mana coming out of their father. It then grows that even the nobles on the dancefloor felt the chilling aura. The Emperor also felt it.

The Knight's following the Emperors command came out of nowhere and pointed their unsheathed swords to the neck of General Griffith, the Grand Duke.

"Grand Duke, stop the your mana." 

Said the Captain of the Knights. 

"No. Not until the Emperor tells me what happened in the Grand Duchy." said the Grand Duke.

The sons' of the Grand Duke also unsheathed their swords and pointed it to the Captain of the Knights.

"Captain, What do you think you're doing?" asked Andres, the second son of the Duke.

The women who saw the scene, shrieked and it brought the attention of everyone on the scene before them. The sudden turn of events made everyone anxious. 

"This clearly a threat to the crown, Your Grace Andres." said the Captain.

Andrew, Andres and the other Generals also the knights were about to collide when the Emperor opened his mouth.

"The Grand Duchy is okay, Grand Duke." the statement cooled the aura of the Grand Duke, the swords, however, were never put down. "But... the Gardenia lady died at giving birth."

When the Emperor dropped the bomb, all hell broke loose.

The clashing of the swords were heard from all over the place. The screaming people, escaping the place. Even the Knights guarding the hall came in, they were shocked on what they saw.

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