Chapter 1

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                           "Y/N Uzumaki"

"Now you have to face me,you damned Panda"-Boruto's annoying voice broke Y/n off his trance as he looked up from the tree branch he was lazily laying on-"Don't get distracted guys,he might look like a cute bear but he's actually a viscious monster"-Sarada added to Y/n's annoyance,her blabbering about her becoming The Hokage made her an insuffrable teammate to have.
"Hey,where's Y/n"-Mitsuki who had also caught up to the two asked-"Who cares about that dumb brother of mine"-Boruto shouted as he quickly weaved some handsings-"Shadow Clone Jutsu"-Boruto shouted as a few copies of himself came into existence next to the original.
"Great now there's more of him"-Y/n lazily spoke-"Can't a man just get some well deserved sleep"

"You're gonna get it now,you ugly panda"-Boruto spoke and almost as if the panda understood him,it started charging towards the three-"Guess that's my queue to enter"-Y/n said as he stood up and balanced himself on the tree trunk he was laying on,the three had already engaged the panda and Mitsuki was doing most of the heavy lifting but Boruto managing to land a few heavy hits in between too.
"See,piece o'cake"-Boruto muttered out as The Panda started retreating-"Leave it to the son of the seventh,and grandson of the fourth,maybe one day he'll become Hokage too"-Mitsuki said in referrence to Boruto's skills.

"Oh please,I got a better chance of becoming one and I hate the damned job"-Y/n who suddenly appeared behind the three said-"Where did you come from"-Sarada rightfully asked-"Eh,I almost fell asleep waiting for you three"-Y/n explained as he went in front of the three now-"Not our fault you are so quick"-Mitsuki praised Y/n much to Boruto's dismay-"Eh,I'd beat him any day on a race ya know"-Boruto had to cut in.
"Today was just a bad day I'm guessin"-Y/n pestered Boruto as he clasped his hands-"So where's Konohamaru Sensei"-He asked as again,almost on queue,the black haired older man appeared in front of them and used Shadow Paralysis Jutsu on the hurt panda to finally capture it.

After capturing said Panda and tying it up the team were thanked by the local old man who's crops kept getting destoryed by that panda.
"Konohamaru Sensei,how did you use a Nara clan technique"-Sarada rightuflly pointed out-"Oh that,well it was done with the help of this"-Konohamaru said as he flashed his Sientific Ninja Tool.
"So cool"-Boruto muttered as he stared at it with a large smile.

"So the mission went well I presume"-The Seventh Hokage asked as Boruto nodded excitedly-"Yeah,yeah,yeah,I managed three shadow clones right off the bat"-He bragged confidently.
"For a shinobi what's important is teamwork and guts,and for you four,it's to find a way out to work in tandem with each other,so Boruto,try and not take all the credit for yourself"-Naruto lectured him.
"Yeah but I'm just so talented"-Boruto tried justifying his random bragging.
"Still,you need to work toge-"-Naruto was gonna say before Boruto slammed his table with his hand-"And don't you dare forget today,it's Himawari's birthday,don't you dare not show up,or worse send a shadow clone"
The room stilled quiet as Boruto added-"I'll never forgive you,if you do that"-He ended as the door clancked open-"Oh,Katsuke"-Naruto remarked at the man who entered the room.
He marched through the room and suddenly hoisted Konohamaru's hand in the air-"Please allow the use of scientific ninja tools in the chunin exams"-He inquired only to be met by a hard-"No"-By Naruto-"The exams aren't some kind of entertainment show,they are there to nurture shinobi nature"-He said extremely serious-"I see,excuse me then"-He said as he marched his way out of the room,the same way he had entered-"This isn't your lame generation dad"-He said as he started following Katsuke before he was suddenly stopped by someone grabbing his arm and very promptly smashing him against the ground-"Don't you dare insult the past generation,the only reason you're here is because of them,they used to break each other's arms for fun and you say they are lame"-Y/n shouted at his brother-"What have you done that's remarkably close to them"-Now even pulling a kunai and pointing it at his head-"Break it up you two"-Naruto shouted at his children

"Whatever"-Y/n said as he helped Boruto up-"I'm sorry"-He apologized as Boruto walked out silently-"Dammit I forgot to give him the chunin exam application forms"-Konohamaru added.

Y/n was quietly sat next to Himawari as Boruto was playing video games and Hinata was setting the table,they all heard a faint-"Yo"-As Naruto's figure appeared in the window,Y/n smiled wide as he gave his father a strong hug,but something felt off,his face dropped as he realized this was a shadow clone-"Oh,uhm,welcome home dad,we missed you"-Y/n said as he broke off from the hug.
"So you did come heh old man"-Boruto said as he gave him a fist bump
They were all having a great time for about an hour,Y/n had even managed to ignore the fact that Naruto was a shadow clone,up until the point where Naruto picked up the cake,and then,suddenly,drop it,only to reveal to the entire family that it was actually a shadow clone.
Himawari broke down crying as Boruto started shouting profanities and ran upstairs,Y/n was trying to console Himawari as Boruto started throwing stuff out of his window.
Suddenly the door bell rang as Y/n left Himawari to Hinata and he quickly moved to the door,this chakra he was sensing wasn't a familiar one,he unsheathed a kunai and opened the door,the frame of a man as tall as his father appeared,except he had black hair,Y/n threw his kunai past the man's ear as said man started speaking-"You missed"

"Did I"-Y/n smirked as his body suddenly became displaced and appeared behind the black haired man,his hand wrapped around the kunai confidently,he launched a kick towards the black haired man only for him to quickly block it-"You're definetely Naruto's brat"-The black haired man spoke as Hinata screeched-"Sasuke,is that you"-She asked as Y/n landed on the ground-"Oh,I'm sorry sir"-He apolgized slightly bowing his head-"Is Naruto here"-Sasuke asked as Hinata disagreed with her head-"I think he's still at his office"-Sasuke sighed and quickly said-"I see,I'm sorry for bothering you,and you"-He referred to Y/n-"What's your name"

"Y/n Uzumaki"

"Y/n Uzumaki,your son and one of the third highest scoring shinobi to ever take the exam,specialized in the flying thunder god technique,an extremely fast learner"-Shikamaru read from a piece of paper-"That's really all you have on him"-A voice spoke as he entered-"I only just met the brat and I already know more about him"-The now revealed Sasuke spoke as he threw a scroll at Naruto-"From Kaguya's castle"-He told them as Naruto caught said scroll.

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