"I'm sorry, Mama, I was just afraid that..."

"That I will tell your papa, and he will bring you back?"

"No, I didn't want Papa to feel disappointed. He always had certain expectations from me, and I know he had his eyes on me too. I didn't want to come forward without being sure of Aarush's feelings towards me, and now I am." Holding her mother's hands, she leaned towards her. Looking deeply into her eyes, she continued.

"Mama, you and Papa are my pride the same way as Divit, and I are yours. I am your pride, and when your pride feels warm, as a form of love, you know you're doing it right. This is how I felt when I met with Aarush for the very first time. After knowing him, I can tell you that when your inner flower blooms with love, your heart tells you that this is the person you are looking for. Aarush is that person Mama."

"  as if his mere presence nearby you makes your heart know who is around," Khushi added, immersed in thoughts while her eyes were on Oishi. Listening to Oishi made her heart try to tell her something. The beautiful memories were stringing through her own heartbeats. Her hand raised on its own and settled on her heart the very same way it found the reason for her erratic heartbeat. His Arnavji... How could she forget the moment when he confessed the same by making her listen to his heartbeat. He clasped his hand on hers while her hand was on his heart.

"Whatever you feel, I feel Khushi because our heartbeats become one..."

Today, Oishi was feeling the same.No wonder; love makes the cocoon and breaks it when we are ready to fly on beautiful wings. With the love of your life, you can be all that you can. For that is the way when you love someone, you want to see them fully rather than incomplete, where Oishi was standing now. She wanted to feel complete with Aarush. 

Khushi's train of thoughts broke with Oishi's voice again.

"Yes, Mama, you will see how truthful my words are when you meet him today." Oishi squeezed her mother's hands in her excitement. It was written all over her face as inner sunshine simultaneously brightened her eyes and soul.

Divit embraced his mother from the back and looked into his sister's eyes, " Mom, our Oushu has changed. Don't you think so?"

 Getting hit on his arm by his mother while receiving scorching glares from his sister Divit grabbed both of his ears this time. 

"We will talk about this later. Let's get ready for dinner tonight. Anything special you want me to make? " Khushi asked, caressing Oishi's cheek.

Oishi shared a deep look before getting up while nodding lazily, understanding her mother's words. She knew Mama would have her ways to find out the reality of her and Aarush's equation totally different from Papa. At the same time, she won't let her off the hook for not sharing this news with her. Pretty fair, if anyone could ask her. Mama had a right to be angry or upset with her.

Smilingly Oishi snaked her arms around her Mama's neck. "It's been a while I dressed you and did makeup, so let's have some girls' time like we used to."

"No, I have to take care of dinner; you go and have some rest." Khushi's voice was clearly reflecting her heart here. She was upset with Oishi, but a mother's heart knew how to deliver its disappointment.

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