Chapter 26

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Time seemed to fly fast. It was already quarter to twelve, meaning fifteen minutes left until the end of the exam. Unfortunately, none of the students managed to close the case despite the many pieces of evidence that they had.

Not only that, but Aria was also worried about the fact that Wave didn't have any scores yet. It was unlike him to let an exam pass without perfecting it, what more, not even gaining any score.

But there was still time. A little time. She had fate on him. Aria knew her friend had something under his sleeves. He wouldn't let an opportunity such as asking any request to the Director slip through his fingers, would he?

The whole class just got inside the auditorium after receiving Korn's message in their group chat. All but one was present when Aria craned her head about, looking for Wave.

"What happened, Korn?" Ohm asked as they arrived at him. Where they were was where the fake corpse was once laying. Though, the mannequin was absent on the ground.

"I don't know," he answered. "When I came back, the mannequin was gone."

Did the school staff just take it? No. That couldn't be the answer. For sure, they were told the class' examination and the time had not yet run out, so that was already a no. And besides, the board is still there. It was just the body that was missing.

"The girl is still alive, Pang?" Mon asked for confirmation and he answered with a yes immediately.

"This document confirms that she has a special ability." He raised his hand to show them the physical examination papers. The paper had a tinge of brown and was quite crispy. Probably because of the years it had been hidden. "But where did it go?"

Korn stretched his arm to reach for the papers. And so, Pang gave it without a second thought. He probably would skim through the papers to look for more clues.

As soon as Korn had the papers, a familiar voice spoke from their walkie-talkies. As if a small thorn had been taken out of Aria as she heard the voice speak. She didn't have to worry about her friend's well-being anymore as the exam wouldn't end with him having no score.

"The story began on the second of June 2003." Thanks to the environment, Aria was able to locate Wave easily; he was in the Computer Room. "This is a real-life event. On the day of the Chemistry Olympiad Award Ceremony, out of the blue, people in the school heard a strange sound coming from the auditorium."

His score and rank immediately jumped from zero to one thousand, putting him in the second rank, just below Pang. Five hundred points separating them that Aria knew he could have in just a few words.

"A strange sound..." Pang whispered as his mind started to think. His eyes fell to the ground where wiped blood stains could be found. The blood was as fake as the body. The school wouldn't use real blood, of course.

As he connected the puzzle pieces, everything was starting to make a lot more sense. The image was starting to be clearer in his head.

"After being poisoned by Wipawee, she barely survived," announced Pang on the walkie-talkie. Without any second thought, he ran towards the other end of the auditorium, still on with his deduction, adding another five hundred points. "Despite the difficulties, she pushed herself to the back end of the auditorium."

And there, he arrived. The mannequin was on the floor just beside the pipe, reaching for it.

"At that moment, people in the school heard a sound like someone was knocking on a pipe," Wave continued. "Hearing that sound, people noticed some kind of rhythm to it. It was a Morse code."

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