Chapter 5

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A/N: italicized parts/lines are either oc's thoughts or what she hears.


Aria let her body fall on the bed and a tired sigh escaped from her. She stared at the ceiling and slowly took off the earphones on her ears.

There was not much noise unlike when it was morning, since it was already night. Too much loudness was usually frowned upon. She could bear it now, so she completely said bye to the music she had been playing and set the earphones aside.

"What a day," she whispered, and hid her eyes under her folded arm, resting on her face.

As her ears were at rest, Aria heard a conversation she'd like to consider interesting.

"What's up?" It was Pang's voice.

"Did you see that?"

A smile formed on her lips as she heard Namtarn's voice. She took off her arm on her face and sat up.

"Can I come in?" Namtarn asked, which made her eyes go wide.

"Come in where? Where is she anyway?" Aria heard a door being closed, that was why she walked to the part of her room where their voices were louder.

Her head suddenly sent her aching, but it wasn't that bad. She knew to herself that she could handle the pain. But she must not let herself be stressed or else she'd fall unconscious.

So Aria breathes in to calm herself down. This could be good practice for her potential.

"P'Chanon used to live here," said Namtarn.

Her eyebrows furrowed. "How did she know?"

"The one who resigned?" Pang asked as she kept on listening.

"He wanted to be an astronaut!"

"What else do you know?"

Inside his room, Namtarn roamed around. Pang watches her as she walked towards the wall. There, she saw numbers and equations.

"His potential was in mathematics," Aria heard her say. "He seemed to enjoy it very much."

"You got that from just looking?

"It's not that hard to tell if someone enjoys what they're doing."

Namtarn looked back at the wall after turning her head to Pang. "Would someone with this kind of potential and passion resign from the Gifted Program?" she asked.

Worry struck her as she heard Pang ask, "Namtarn, are you okay?"

"I think... I am going to pass out."

After that, she heard Pang continuously calling her name. Aria quickly ran to the door but stopped midway when she felt a piercing pain in her head.

Aria held onto it and used the wall beside her as support. She knew that that was bad, so she walked back to her bed and put back her earphones on her ears, preventing any other noise to go through her ears.

Aria calmed herself after cursing in her head. She was so annoyed that her potential was being a pain in the neck. She couldn't help the two, all because she might suffer the same fate as Namtarn. The noise plus stress was never a good combination for her.

After her whole system calmed down, she slowly tried to take her earphones off again. Slowly, until she felt like she could handle the noise again.

"Go and sleep on the bed," she heard Pang say.

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