Chapter 8: Just Friends

Start from the beginning

The nurse chuckled, "that's what I thought when I had feelings for my girlfriend, I'm hoping to propose to her next week," she said noting a few things presumably about my health on her notepad.

"You have a girlfriend?" I asked, "what's it like?" 

Was it a weird question? Yes.

Was it absolutely necessary for the sake of mankind? Also yes.

"Well it's nice, she comforts me when I'm sad, we would cuddle a lot, and we have some kisses from here to there," she answered, chuckling at the memories of her and her girlfriend.

"Although the best part of it is being loved by someone who you love just as much as they love you, it's quite endearing actually." She said, glancing over to me and giving me a little grin.

"That seems nice." I said.

"Aha yes. Anyways that's all for your checkups, you can go now," she said, swiping off a note and handing it to me, "also if you ever need relationship advice you can come here," she pointed to the bottom of the note which read the hospital room name and her office.

Yeah, she knew what she was doing.

I nodded, I know this might be dumb and stupid and literally the definition of an absolute dumbass thought and all but it would be nice if me and Darryl can end up something..romantic I guess?

I sighed, there was no way me and Darryl would end up being anything romantic but you gotta hope I guess.

Darryl POV 

I continued to doodle a picture of Zak, I know this might be creepy but I meant this in a way that he looks cute and handsome and very pretty so I drew him, I mean like who wouldn't? Unless nobody would do this but...wait no I don't want to think about it

All of a sudden I heard footsteps, probably Zak's.

I looked as Zak came out and his blushing face made him look so cute!! I mean not that it really matters much or anything but he really did look cute.

I immediately closed my sketch book and stuffed it in a pocket of my hoodie, standing up to greet Zak.

"There's nothing wrong with you're body right? It's completely healthy?" I asked.

He nodded in response.

To be honest, I couldn't help but wonder what's in his mind.

Most of all I wonder what he thinks of me...I hope there is nothing bad since I don't want him to think I'm a bad person or anything like that, well unless I actually am and he's just too nice to say that to my face.

Or i'm overthinking for no reason, hopefully that's the case.

We both walked out of the hospital and stopped in front of the king who seemed to have been waiting there for a bit. A bit creepy if you ask me.

"Hello, Zak and Darryl." He said.

Me and Zak did a quick bow and waited for him to continue.

"Zak, I would like to assume that you're fine?" He asked.

Zak nodded.

"Well I would like you two to follow me."

He walked us into a forest and stopped in front of a small house, its walls were crystal and there was a bunch of things growing on it, mostly mushrooms.

The king opened the door and in sight was a brown haired boy. He wore a blue t-shirt, dark blue pants, white goggles, and had mushroom hat with was probably about five times bigger than his actual head.

"Kids, this is George. He is the protector of the past," the king said.

Me and Zak waved and George waved back.

"Follow me."

George led us into a room. Its walls and floors were crystals with random mushrooms growing in places, basically the house's exterior but put into a room.

"What's this?" I asked, looking around the small room.

"It's the room of the past," he answered.

"Why are we here?" Asked Zak.

"I brought you here so you can learn your past lives as Celestials."

💌-♡︎ 𝚈𝚘𝚞!

I speedran through this peeps-

Hope you enjoyed this fruity gae chapter (I'm feeding you guys a huge percent of skephalo for this chapter lmao)

🎊-drink and eat a snack


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