Chapter 6 Forever Fall

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As I and my team are leaving for a tree I see Cardin drag Jaune off I sigh at this and make my way to my team.

Mark:"so..... how are we going to get the sap?"

Jackson:"I could punch a hole in the tree but the my hand would be sticky and well we know what I think about sticky stuff"

Mason:"the face you made when that orange hive goop went all over you is the best thing I will ever see."

Jack:"Guys David's asleep... again."

Mike:"your joking me right?"

Jack:"nope so... who's waking him up."

Mason then smacked David in the back of the head killing him causing his ghost to pop out and revive him I just sighed the damn crayon eater has yet to learn control of his strength. I stab the tree and we start filling up our jars. Me and Jackson leave the others to finish and run into team RWBY and JNPR.

Y/N:"Hello strangers."

Yang:"Hello handsome and handsomer~ " she replied in a slightly subuctive way

Jackson:"so what are you guys doing besides filling up jars with sap."

Ruby:"Talking and that's about it"

Y/N:"Mind if we join?"


So we started talking until we heard a loud roar.

Ruby:"did you guys hear that?"

Russell:"Ursa, Ursa"

Yang:"What! where?"

Russell:"Back there, it's got Cardin"

After hearing this me and Jackson took of as fast as possible soon followed by Ruby, Weiss and Pyrrha.

We came to a clearing and we're about to act until we heard Pyrrha say


Me and Jackson look at each other and sighed and watched Jaune Fight the Ursa but I noticed Pyrrha hold her hand out near the end. After Jaune killed the Ursa I looked at her and asked a question.

Y/N:"The hell was that."

Ruby:"uhhh what"

Weiss:"how did you?"

Pyrrha:"well Ruby has her speed, Weiss has her Glyphs you two have, uhhh well I don't know what it's called but that's besides the point. My semblance is polarity."

Ruby:"whoa, you can control poles."

Weiss:"No you dunce it means she has control over magnetism. "

Ruby:"Magnets are cool to."

Y/N:"Weiss can you not be a brat for 10 seconds."

Weiss:"hush you."

I sigh and me and Jackson leave.



Y/N:"Not just yet"



Y/N:"well you see I've reconnected us to the vault via this." You point at a app on your scroll with that vault logo

All -you:"FINALLY!!!"

Y/N:"take this hard drive and plug it into your scrolls and you'll have a portable vault."

They all plugged there scrolls into it and I go and sit on my bed and start to take my armor off.


I watch Jack speak into the room so of course being the friend I am decide to scare him.



Y/N:"yes I'm the bad one because I scared my friend who been seaking out at night so tell me, why?"

Jack:"Uh.... well you see...." I knew what he was about to tell me so I sigh and cut him off

Y/N:"look I don't care about your love life and how your dating Ruby just come back on time."


Y/N:"it was easy to guess your her best friend, you spend a lot of time around eachother hell I even saw you two kiss just stop seaking out at night. Also I'd be more concerned about the angry Yang who may or may not be after you."

Jack:"Ok... well I'll just be going to sleep then..."

And with that I lay down and fall asleep.

A/N: my apologies this took longer it's just school got in the way but hopefully I can update more. Well have a good night or day and may the traveler guide you.

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