Part 1. So Much For My Happy Ending

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The year is 1729 I am finally 17, as my birthday is in the frosty January, and it is now the beginning of spring, I'm still not standing any taller than 5ft 1" however. This is a year that I shant ever forget for a few reasons and it has only just started. For it tis the year which me and my beloved were to be married, we were both going to be married the same year that James proposed. However, father thought it twas best we perhaps waited until spring the following year, to have the wedding. That way more guests could be invited, as it would be warmer and the sea would be calmer for them to travel from England to here in Port Royal. Everything was going according to plan, everything down to the flowers and the catering, right down to the colour of my dress, to the music that shall be playing, whilst myself and James take our first dance together, as husband and wife upon the ballroom floor.

I was so excited, that everyday my stomach had constant butterflies. That was until one day, I received shattering news, the wedding needed to be postponed, as James had written me a letter explaining to me, that he had set sail to find and capture Jack Sparrow and that he may be gone for some time and he wanted to complete his quest, so that when he should return, his conscience would be clear, so he would have nothing else to think about, other than to marry me and make me his wife. He also resigned from his rank within the navy some months ago too, as he told me he wanted to spend more time with me and in order for him too do that, he needed to resign. My heart was shattered into a million pieces, the day I read that letter. It felt like it would take Helen at least a few months, to sweep all of the broken pieces of my heart up off the floor. I would cry for hours and I would hardly leave my room, luckily I had company now and again, from Father, Elizabeth and Thomas, whom would visit from time to time.

Thomas told me that James never wanted to tell me face to face, as he knew I would disapprove of his decision and that I may try and stop him, if I found out from him. So he instructed Thomas to hand me the letter. Father felt somewhat guilty too, as he told me he had wished he had spoken to James and tried to convince him not to take such a voyage, as it could be dangerous for him, but I told father that once James has an idea within his mind, there is no stopping him sometimes. My heart finally came over my so called heartbreak, when Elizabeth came to see me the next day, to explain to me that Will had proposed to her and Father had approved it.

Upon hearing her news, I jumped up from my chair and squealed with delight for my sister. Finally some happiness, tis exaclty what we need around this gloomy place, I thought to myself. I wrapped my arms around her tightly and engulfed her into the tightest of hugs. "Oh Elizabeth I'm so happy for you". I groaned out, as I continued to hug her tighter. I finally let go and smiled at her brightly than ever. Elizabeth said nothing other than return the smile and then look down towards her hands, as she began to fiddle with the ring upon her finger. I gasped with excitement, as I grabbed her left hand and brought her finger up to my face to see the exquisite ring.

"Oh my that tis truly a beautiful ring Elizabeth, you are so lucky". I told her, as I realised my grip upon her finger. "Oh as much as I love it, tis not as extravagant as yours will ever be, yours belonged to mother". She sighed, as she began twirling the ring around her finger, with a poutful expression upon her face. "Yes dearest sister, you are quite right, but that does not mean you shant be grateful for the one you have been given, at least Will has managed to give you a ring, even if it tis less extravagant than mine, anyway isn't it his dear late mother's ring?". I asked her, as I walked over towards the window and began to stare out of it.

Elizabeth sighed a short sharp sigh, whilst bringing the ring up to her face, holding it up in front of the window, as the small diamond twinkled in the sunshine, that was beaming in through the it. "Yes it tis". She sighed once more, before she clasped her hands together infront of her and walked over to join me over by the window. She walked up behind me and placed her chin upon my shoulder, as I stood with my back to her, my arms folded up to my chest, as I gazed out into the streets of Port Royal down below. "Well shouldn't that make it all the more special, knowing that you have been trusted with such a delicate heirloom?". I asked her. "Peharps your right sweet sister, I am being slightly ungrateful for the things I have and I am truly sorry for doing such a thing". She sighed once more, as she nuzzled her chin further onto my shoulder, the boneyness of it was beginning to hurt my shoulder a little, but I didn't care. I never replied to her, I just continued to stay put in the same position. There was silence between us, as we both continued to look out at the town below us. "He will be back you know". Elizabeth whispered softly to me.

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