Last Stop

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Summary: Stefan drops you off for college, but to both of your dismays you don't want him to leave you; too many people already had

Fandom: The Vampire Diaries

Pairing: Stefan Salvatore x reader

Warnings: angst, mention of Bonnie and Lexi being dead, crying, compulsion

Word Count: 1441

Stefan opened the trunk of his car, a frown taking ahold of his features as he noticed that you had yet to abandon the passenger seat

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Stefan opened the trunk of his car, a frown taking ahold of his features as he noticed that you had yet to abandon the passenger seat. And thus he walked around the side of his cherry painted vehicle, looking at you through the window; your expression was blank, as though you were not trying to think about anything in this moment and block your surroundings out, which was an accurate assumption of the coping mechanism that you had chosen to go with.

He tapped on the window with his firm knuckles, and reluctantly you spared your boyfriend a glance. It hurt so bad, knowing that you were to be forced apart by distance all because you had to go off and learn something! Screw education, you'd already been through years of it and once more you were having to continue it, the worst part of all was knowing that through everything that had gone on in Mystic Falls the past few years, life was meant to diverge onto a very different road. Rather than killing vampires that dared to hurt your friends, you'd slowly be killing your self with the consumption of caffeine that you maintained in your schedule.

Stefan could easily predict how torn you were, it was a vast change from all that you had adapted to, he felt sympathy towards your cause. Sighing as you felt his piercing stare through the glass, you surrendered and opened the window, turning so that your gazes met; worry worn on his whilst you were cloaked in the shadow of conflicted face. It wasn't fair, Bonnie was gone, she was dead whilst the rest of you were expected to move on like you had done in the past, but this time nothing motivated you to continue down this road of adulthood, not even the fact that Elena and Caroline would also be in the same hall as you. Licking your lips, a gulp danced down your throat as you blinked back any threatening tears, refusing their company as you forced a fake smile for your boyfriend.

"You don't have to do this year, or at all if you don't want to." Advised your boyfriend, resting his hand on the edge of the door between you from where the pane was empty. "No one is going to blame you if you wait, you have to think about yourself, and I need for you to be happy with whatever decision that you decide on y/n." A dimple encompassing smile loaded onto his face as you stared at him and tried not to cry from how much of a gentleman that he was; you truly had a keeper, although out of the pair of you you were the one with the ticking time frame left to live, as you would age and soon be nothing more than a corpse.

"I do. I want to." You blubbered, forcing your lips to refrain from shaking. Sweeping your fingers below your eyes to dismiss any water that had gathered there, you smiled through your pain, trying to remain strong. You had gotten this far, there was no way that you were caving in because of your emotions now. "This was the last thing that Bonnie wanted to do, I'm not doing it just for me, but for her as well." It was the closest that you could get to her again, merely being parked outside of your dorm building had you feeling significantly closer to her, it was strange but it was like her presence was lingering, waiting for you to arrive. "I'm just going to miss you so much."

Adoration sparkled in Stefan's green orbs as he watched you break, he took that as his opportunity to open the door to where you were sat, and lean inside of the vehicle, holding you in his arms as you sobbed lightly and shook. "It's okay, I understand." He rested his chin atop of your head, reminiscing about how he still liked to Bon Jovi concerts so that he could feel closer to Lexi, it had been a tradition for them, and so he continued it on in her memory. "And she'd probably kick my ass if I tried to convince you to come back to Mystic Falls."

"And it wouldn't be the first time she had done that." You remember softly, laughing at such a memory as you tasted a bitter ending poison your mouth. This felt like it; no more Bonnie, no more stories about her Grams and their family's history, it was simply a new beginning without her. "Okay, I think we should start taking stuff in so that there's not loads of people around before we finish." You wiped your sweater sleeve across your cheek one last time as you exited the car, Stefan shutting the door beside you as you both grabbed boxes. The process continued until everything that belonged to you was void from his car, and you sat in the room on the unmade bed, holding Stefan's hands.

They were stereotypically cold, and to know that he had killed people with them in his past made you feel closer to the Other Side, if there even was one, though Bonnie was the anchor holding everything in its rightful place. Death, no matter who he took, made everyone gravitate towards him, and you were in the midst of such thoughts, Stefan brushed your hair behind your ear, causing you to turn to look at him. "I don't want you to leave, what if I never see you again? Something could happened between now and the next time that I see you, and that's the last thing that I want. I can't lose you, I love you."

"I love you too." He spoke tenderly, the subordination of guilt already tripping into his words before he had even done anything. He made strong eye contact with you, your pupils dilating as he captured every ounce of your attention, his abilities feeding off of it. From holding your hand he had slipped your vervain bracelet off, it was on the floor beside your feet, deposited away from your skin on purpose. "And you are going to be just fine here without me; you're going to be happy, and you're going to try your best in class. I will miss you so much more than you will me, I want you to remember that I love you more than the world itself and that I would do anything for you. And if you want to see me, don't hesitate to call and I'll be right on my way here."

He gently released your hands as he watched you blink, your mindset returning to the environment that it was in. A frown tugged at your face as you scratched your wrist, finding it empty. "Have you seen my..." before you could finish your question, your boyfriend leant down and picked the twine with the pretty charm off from the ground, ravelling it back around on its fitted place on your arm. "Okay I should probably start to unpack." Stefan looked at the time as you walked over to a box with a pair of scissors and unveiled the sides of cardboard, ready to start emptying its contents.

"I should probably get going." He fondly spoke as he walked over to you, and you abandoned the task that you were about to delve into and turned to face him, wrapping your hands around his shoulders. "I'm going to miss you." He informed you, watching your face mould into a smile, as you pulled him down for an elegant kiss. It was longer than a singular peck, but it wasn't too in depth that it would lead to anything else, as you pulled away, you stared into his eyes, brushing your thumb across his defined cheek, drowning in the softness of his timeless skin.

"Im going to miss you too Stefan, but don't worry about me, I'm going to be just fine without you. But I'll give you a call if anything changes." You spoke, your words bringing Stefan some peace. You pulled him down for one final kiss, before you watched with a gleaming smile on your face as Stefan slowly exited the room. Bonnie watched with a fond smile, aware that what Stefan did was wrong, but relieved that it seemed that you would be able to get on with your life without having multiple mournings. She missed you as much as you did her, but now you didn't have to miss Stefan, so the weight that was crushing down on your heart became a little lighter.

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