Blood Bags

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Summary: being turned into a vampire is less of a problem for you than it is for everybody else

Fandom: The Vampire Diaries

Pairing: Damon Salvatore x reader

Warnings: mentions of death and murder, drinking blood

Word Count: 1051

A handsome stranger approached you, with a charming smile that showed his perfect white teeth

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A handsome stranger approached you, with a charming smile that showed his perfect white teeth.

You wished to sink your teeth into his neck, but were pulled away before either you could do so or the man could reach you.

The drool had tumbled down to your chin, so you brushed it away with one hand whilst your other was dragged out of the mystic grill and onto the street.

"That was my dinner." You grumbled snatching your arm back from the imposter.

"That was stupid." Damon counteracted. His eyebrows raised as he studied your dead glare. "For starters, you hadn't compelled anyone in that bar. And I'm sure if you lost control, Matt would have staked you then and there."

Rolling your (Y/E/C) eyes, you crossed your arms. At his relaxation towards you, you attempted to speed back into the bar, but he was quicker for he was older.

"Fine, you can find me dinner then." You told the vampire. For a moment, you wished Damon was human, so that you could drain him.

"You weren't this annoying when you were human." The man complained, wishing you hadn't been turned.

"Blame your brother. He went all ripper, it's not my fault." You sulked. "Can we hurry? I'm starving."

Now it was Damon's turn to roll his eyes. If Stefan hadn't reverted back to his old ways and turned you into a monster, he would find you much more bearable.

He walked, and you followed behind him like a lost puppy. His car was on the pavement and you quickly let yourself in.

"Who are we gonna drink?" You asked excitedly. Damn heightened emotions.

Putting the keys into the ignition, Damon began driving away from the centre of town, keeping an eerie eye on your unpredictable form.

"You aren't going to be feeding from anyone." He pointed an accusing finger at you, which you smacked out of your face. "At least not until you can control yourself."

"I can control myself." You were beginning to get defensive. "Don't you remember when I saved your ass from that hunter? I kicked his ass, and I was human then."

"You're not anymore." It saddened him. Like when he was human, you didn't have a choice in the matter. You had been changed against your will leaving you with no human rights. "Just hold onto the humanity that you have left."

From experience, Damon knew how it felt when losing your humanity felt. It was one big relief, a way to clean the slate in your mind. However when it came to returning to a sane state of mind, it was the worst pain anyone could ever feel.

It was practically torture. Reminding you of all the mistakes that you had made when you had been under no obligation to care.

Stefan had lacked the control of humanity when he decided to force feed you his blood and then snap your neck. And now he was pained by the trouble he had caused. He tried avoiding looking at you as all he saw was one big mistake.

The car stopped, pulling up outside of the boarding house. You were quick to speed out of his car and into his home, he was quick on your heels, pinning you against the wall with his arm under your throat.

"Let go of me." You growled at Damon, letting veins roll out from beneath your eyes. But he didn't comply with your order, instead he leant his face closer to your own

"Behave." He snarled in your face, giving you an icy glare. "Bonnie and Elena are here and you are not going to try and eat them."

"I learn from my own mistakes, not yours." You told him, pushing his body away and walking into the living space where the girls were sitting, along with Stefan who grew uncomfortable from your presence.

"Hi girls." You sat down next to them, smiling wide and inhaling the smell of their blood.

Bonnie was concerned about you. You were reckless beforehand, and loyal. But after you turned, you had become dangerous. She was always on edge around you now, her trust was failing.

"Okay." Damon huffed, grabbing you from under your arms and picking you up. "It's dinner time for the baby vampire."

Elena frowned, wanting to tell Damon to be careful with you, but she soon realised that would only enhance your annoyance towards the other vampire and make Stefan feel more guilty.

"Bye!" You yelled as he half carried and half dragged you away, descending the both of you into the basement where the fridge containing the blood bags were stored.

"I'd rather be locked in that thing with someone's foot than have to drink old blood." Damon couldn't resist but roll his eyes and smirk at you as he opened the top of the rectangular fridge.

"That can be arranged." He fluttered his long eyelashes as he spoke sarcastically, reinforcing your face to pout once more. He held out a bag towards you, which you had to scowl at.

"Drink." He slipped it into your hands, awaiting you to fulfil your appetite. The plastic was flexible in your hands, it was quite entertaining until your stomach decided to growl.

"This is human, right?" You hoped it was, you didn't want to drain Bambi or Thumper, as Damon had often joked about with Stefan.

"I picked it up myself." He sent you a smirk, which made you bow your head. You took the plastic bit that looked like a straw, breaking off the stopper, and drank from it as you would from any fast food drink.

When the blood reached your lips, you moaned. It was good, better even. Damon frowned at your reaction, most vamps had very different reactions when trying to detox from first hand blood.

"Oh my god." You were quick to have finished your first, and soon reached and grabbed your second.

"You are definitely Stefan's creation." Damon drawled on teasingly, but you paid no mind, you were too hungry. He wasn't concerned about you finishing off their supply either, it was better than you draining strangers or friends.

"This is so good."

"Hallelujah." He sighed, content that you were drawing yourself from danger by taking a safer route of survival.

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