2:30 am

658 24 14

Lionah 🦁: Wheeinah... you awake?

Mm... why are you awake hyejinie?

Lionah 🦁: ... something's been keeping me up for a few nights now... and I can't seem to turn it off...

Wea?  What is it? Do you want to talk about it?

Lionah 🦁: maybe... why are you awake?

I wasn't... 

Lionah 🦁: oh I'm sorry...

Don't be sorry hyejinie,  this is why I keep my  silent mode off. Just in case you need me.

Lionah 🦁: 🥰🥰 this is why you're the best...

We're basically married at this point, it's been over 10 years  my dude. I've stopped counting after that.

Lionah 🦁: hahah true. I'm always very grateful for you wheeinie. I love you very much.

I know hehe, so what's been keeping you up jagiya?

Lionah 🦁: ... someone's been on my mind lately... and I know I shouldn't... but I feel a certain feeling towards them and I don't know how to deal with it.

Heh? Hyejinssi, you're telling me that you've been swooning over someone without telling me? I thought I was your person!

Lionah 🦁: well I'm telling you now so shut up!

Okay okay, sorry. So, this person do they know that you exist?

Lionah 🦁: yes... but they don't know about my feelings lol. I'm struggling.

Do you think they like you back? I mean who wouldn't like you back? You're amazing , if I was a dude I'd be the first in line to date you!

Lionah 🦁: ... really? You're just saying that.

No really. You're beautiful, talented, humble, and well you're not called fatale for no reason you know.

Lionah 🦁: you're melting me.

Hahaha, okay enough cringe. Who is this person? Do I know them?

Lionah 🦁: ... don't be mad.

Why would I be mad?

Lionah 🦁: I don't know... I just want you to be open minded and just... don't be mad at me.

Hyejinie.. . You know me. I would never judge you. You can tell me anything. I'm safe space.

Lionah 🦁: ... it's.. um


Lionah 🦁: ... it's you wheeinah.

Hahahahahaah 🤣🤣🤣 what? Stop playing tell me the truth.

Lionah 🦁: I am...


Lionah 🦁: ... say something...


Lionah 🦁: don't call me that... I'm hyejinnie to you.

I don't know what to say... I-

Lionah 🦁: ... you don't have to like me back... I just wanted to let it out.

I have a confession.

Lionah 🦁: Mhm..

For so long... I've held back my urges... and held down my feelings... because I thought you would never see me that way.  So, for  so long I've convinced myself that you're my sister, you're my best friend... and that we would never be more than that. For so long I've given up on trying to pursue you because I thought that you'd rather hate me than kiss me.

Lionah 🦁: wheenah-

- for so long my heart had been broken whenever I see you with someone you seem close with. For so long I wished that that was me . Whenever I see you laugh with someone and see them hold your hard I wished it was me.

Lionah 🦁: Wheein-

I wished you could have told me sooner Hyejinie... I wished I could've  done something than give up.

Lionah 🦁: wheeinah it's not too late...

Yes it  is...

Lionah 🦁: what do you mean?

Because now... I'm in love with someone else.

Lionah 🦁: ...

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