Prologue: A Master's Upbringing [1/2]

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As legend will soon foretell of this man. upon the selection of the new and rightful king, whomever shall pull the sword from the stone shall be destined to rise and take down the tyrant controlling Camelot. Then they may be crowned the new king of England.

A boy, around the age of four/five, rather intrigued and excited, continued to read the book he currently held in his small, four-year old, hands. It, of course, was quite big and heavy when compared to books the average four-five year old should generally be reading, but this boy's intelligence was rather unique for his age group. Rather than being interested in picture books or manga like all the others, his interest was in the heroes of old and what their legends pertain.

But this isn't about that person. Instead, this tale is of the soon-to-be court wizard that travels along with him while he's in his journey. This wizard helped guide them when they didn't know what to do at times. this Wizard's name is Mer-

"Izuku, honey! Are you ready to go see what your quirk is at the doctor's?" says a fairly beautiful looking woman with green hair tied in a pony tail who opened the door into Izuku's room that has a few different artifacts from ages gone by, not to many which will be transferred to the basement as there is more space there.

"Y-Yeah! yeah, I'm ready mommy!" The boy, that shall be known as Izuku from now on said. He then went downstairs as fast as his little legs could carry him and attempted to do his shoes but failing adorably. The woman, Inko Midoriya, giggled at Izuku before helping him with them and receiving a hug from him as thanks.

Inko smiled at Izuku and, when he picked up the book he's currently reading, held out her hand tightly as if she was going to disappear. They then left the sizeable, yet comfy, house and walked to the nearest clinic to get the quirk analysis done.

While walking, Inko jokes and says "You really love reading through those big books about the heroes of old? Maybe, instead of going the hero route, you could be a scholar or writer, maybe even the archaeologist route to dig up more artifacts like your dad does!". she knows that Izuku wants to be a hero more than anything, but a mum can suggest ideas for their kids to pursue.

"UmU. those seem good. But I wanna be a hero, just like those in the past where they didn't have quirks, they just had their weapons and their smarts!" Izuku cheerfully said, while still being the cinnamon roll he is.

Mamadoriya had a slight laugh at how adorable Izuku was being a cinnamon roll as both had entered the clinic. After signing in the clinic for the quirk doctor, they waited for the doc's call. when the doc called, they did the usual routine about checking to see if there is any quirk and double checking to make sure. Both of them waited eagerly for the results and what news they potentially have.


"I'm sorry, but he's quirkless." the doc says in a saddened tone, to which Izuku gasped and Inko was surprised with Izuku being quirkless but knew what to do when she gets home. Izuku had more of a reaction with him having dropped his book, which caused a rather loud 'THUMP' sound in the actual room as he shook his head to try and deny the rather shocking news.

After letting them process it for a little bit, he then explained why he was quirkless, due to there being an extra toe joint in his foot. There is a rather rare chance that quirks could potentially skip over a generation or 2, however it does happen and in the rather low portions of society. quirkless people make up roughly 25-30% of the world's population today. Inko replied with "Thank you" and then helped Izuku pick his book up to which both left afterwards and walked home in silence. once they get home Inko gave Izuku some time to digest the fact about being quirkless in his room.

Not even 5 minutes later, her phone rang. she then sat down on the couch and answered the phone.

"*Hey darling! how are things?*"

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