Part 32

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Olive Market POV
Lol only cause I don't feel like fighting.

"No no no no baby wake up." I'm yelling at John applying pressure to his wound. "I got 911 on the phone" someone yelled and I'm just in shock.

"Baby come on y-you can't leave us" I'm telling him I hear my heart in my ears. Abby took the kids outside the ambulance came. I'm trying to get in with them but they won't let me come.

My security is driving me there getting to the hospital I didn't wait for the car to stop before I was out the door. "Hello I'm looking for John Market" I said but the lady just looking at me with a blank look.

"Did you hear me? I'm looking for John Market" I said louder and she shook her head "he left all this for you!" She asked and my temper is raising. "Look bitch you can be jealous and hateful another day. Where is my husband?" I asked again and she acted like she didn't want to tell me.

Grabbing her by her hair and pulling her over the desk. I dropped her to the floor. "If I asked one more time you'll be the next person getting shot" I pushed her backed over.

"He's in surgery your going to have to wait" she said and I sat down my leg is shaking and I'm trying my hardest not to cry. Looking at the security I have "what the fuck happened!" I yelled at them.

"It looked like they were aiming at you ma'am. Boss pushed you out the way I shot back but it was more of them" one said and I broke downs.

They were aiming for me? Why? Why would he take it from for me. Logan and Tyler came running in not to long after. When I saw them I broke down I couldn't help it. I didn't want them seeing me like this.

"Ma'am there's some woman yelling at me on the phone" one of my guards said. Taking it "Hello?" I asked still crying. "I'm at the airport I'll be there by tonight" I heard Emma voice then she hanged up.

"Family for Mr.Market" I stood up going  up to the doctor "I'm his wife" I said and she nod at me. "It didn't hit any major arteries the bullet was very close to his spine but we got it out before it can do any damages." She said and a sob of relief broke out of me.

"He's resting but he's going to probably need physical therapy" she said and I nod thanking her "c-can I see him?" She nod saying a quick follow me.

I followed to the room he was in I requested he be moved to a private room. Looking at him hooked up to wires my heart weep.

I cried again wanting to touch him but scared I'll hurt him. Pushing the chair to his bed I held his hand rest my head on the side of the bed.

Quietly praying and crying to myself. "Come on baby I need you. I-I can't do this without you we need you Luna needs you an-and our baby needs it's father" I'm telling him.

Still crying softly we are so moving back to London after this shit. I can't do this again not long after Tyler and Logan came in. "We got you some food. He's kill us if he thinks we're not taking good care of you." Logan said and I shook my head.

"I'm fine I just need some water" I told them looking at my phone tryna see what Luna doing. Making sure she's okay and not to traumatize.

After a while Tyler and Logan left and it's just me. I sent my guards to get me better covers for John. I want to make sure he's comfy and warm.

Turning the tv on reclining the chair. "In today's news multi billionaire John Market was shot in a high end restaurant." Click "Mr.Market is in critical condition" click "he might be paralyzed" click click click click

I turned on cartoons I kept my hands in johns. Rubbing his pale knuckles trying to relax my nerves. It's not good for the baby so I have  to calm down.

After a while I feel asleep when I heard groaning. Opening my eyes "get down. Olive move!" I heard then he started to shake "I need a nurse. I need a nurse" I started to scream

Doctors and nurses sworn the room pushing me out the way. Then it happened the machine stopped beeping. My heart stopped with it.

"Eh-what happening. What's wrong with him" I yelled as I tried getting to John but I'm being pulled with me away and I swinging to get to him.

"Ahh my nose" someone yelled "I need to make sure he's okay please" I yelled. "Baby! BABY come on please" they put me out the room and I'm hyperventilating.

Sliding down a wall "hey hey listen you have to relax your pregnant. Let the doctors do their jobs" a nurse with a bloody nose said.

I nod telling myself he's going to be okay. "Olive!!" I heard Emma loud ass she ran to me and "I'm here I'm here I'm here" she said while I cry on her shoulder.

A doctor came out "he's okay he only went into shock" she said and I nod. "But I really would like for you to get checked out. We know your pregnant and we don't need you getting stressed out" they said and I shook my head no.

"Iiiiii need to get back to him" I said trying to get up. Emma helped me up then held me by the shoulders "listen if anything happens to you or that baby John will never forgive himself. Get checked out I'll sit with him. I promise I won't leave his side" she said and I nod even though I'm skeptical.

Going another room they check my blood pressure give me an ultrasound to make sure everything okay.  My blood pressure had skyrocketed and now they want give me something to sleep for a while.

I told them only if I can stay in the room with John. She give me shot Emma said she'll be watching us all night. That I need the rest or I'll hurt myself and the baby.

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