Part 29

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Olive Green POV

"Girl I can't believe your ass eloped and didn't tell me." Emma said on the FaceTime . "I just don't need the stress of planning a wedding right now" I told her "hmmm why you glowing like that?" She said looking at me suspiciously.

"Like what?" I asked her biting my lips. Knowing I can never keep a secret from her "you look like when I first found" she paused looked at me for bit then sat up fast "girl watch it you know you pregnant" I yelled

"Bitch so are you. You ain't slick why you didn't tell me" I sighed knowing I was gonna get caught. "After losing the first one I'm a little scared to get everyone hopes up." I told her and she nods at me.

"I understand but honey this is a happy time for you. You need to stop worrying about it's not good for you or my godbaby" she said rubbing her stomach.

Looking at her face I can see she's in pain "girl are you in labor?" I asked her and she looked at me wide eye. "How you know?" She whispered "I can see it all in your face. Why aren't you in the hospital" I asked her and she shook her head no.

"Girl when I get to the hospital I need that baby to slip right out. I don't want to be there for hours you know I hate that place" she said and I looked at her like she stupid. I text Kendall that's she's in labor.

Five seconds later their bedroom door burst open and I smirk. "Your in labor and didn't think your husband should know?" He asked and she glared at me "baby we got" but she shut her mouth at the look he's giving her.

I can hear him picking up the baby bag "you got three minutes to tell Olive bye. Thank you Olive" he said and I told him he's welcome. She's still mad at me "girl get your ass to the hospital. Im going to call you in a hour" I told her she nod we both said I quick I love you.

Getting up thinking it's time to tell Luna. I don't really wanna hide it from her.  Going into her room I sat on her bed with her. "Hey little sister" I said and she smiled at me.

"Hi big sister" she said and I smiled. "How are you liking the new school" I asked and she smiled "I like it a lot the people are nice. And I get to spend the day with Theo" she said jumping in her spot. "He's my best friend" she said and I smiled nodding at her.

"Well that's good honey. So I wanted to tell you that John and I are having a baby" I said and she nod. "So I'm going to be a Aunty?" She asked and I nod yes.

"I thought you had to be married to have a baby. That's what you told me" she said and I nod "will John and I are married" I told her and she looked at me confused. "You didn't invite me?" She said and her bottom lip started to quiver.

I shook my head no "we didn't have a wedding we eloped" I told her and that just made her more confused. "What?" She said "it's when two people who love each other doesn't wanna go though the hassle of a wedding so we went to a judge to legalize our wedding" I told her and she nod.

"So can Theo and I elope too?" She asked and my eyes almost popped out my damn head. "Maybe when your older. Much much older like finishing collage older" I told her and she laughed at me. "Are you guys gonna forget about me?" She asked playing with her fingers.

And I shook my head pulling her closer to me "never your my baby and your gonna be the best Aunty ever right?" I asked her and she nod her yes.

Giving me a toothless smile one of her tooth fell out the other day and the "tooth fairy" give her two hundred dollars. Why she wasn't handing out that type of cash when I was a kid.

So we laid down as a movie watched us and Luna telling me about all the things she's gonna do with the baby. She wants to teach the baby how to ride a bike, play with blocks, write. And I'm just laughing and nodding.

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