Taeil and Shotaro suddenly felt pity for the older, they somehow felt like he's been through a lot because of them.

"You must have had a hard time being between them..." Shotaro said pouting.

"But still they are my bestfriends, so it's not easy to let them go." Jongdae said chuckling at the end.

"Anyway...we've got a ton of work to do, let's finish them up and wrap up."

"Yes sir!" Taeil and Shotaro said together, and quickly joined with the others.

Jongdae let out huge breath and looked up at the sky.

Kre'....I have some really unique friends.

"Director Chen! We are ready!" Jongdae heard the staffs calling him and quickly joined them.

10 years ago

Baekhyun and Jongdae were really close friends since elementary school. Baekhyun felt Jongdae was the only one who saw Baekhyun for who he is and not by his family.

During their middle school Baekhyun had moved away to Busan, Hence leaving his school and friends. Jongdae understood his family situation, but still missed the latter.

Jongdae met Chanyeol in his last year of Middle school, who had just transferred to hiss class. Jongdae immediately clicked with him and both became close.

Jongdae used to talk about Chanyeol a lot, whenever he and Baekhyun called each other. Baekhyun was also quite curious about the said boy. And little jealous that his bestfriend was taken away.

"Yah...you seem pretty close with him?"

"Yah...when you meet him, I'm sure you'll like him too."

He had a very good feeling that when Baekhyun comes he'd definitely be very good friends with Chanyeol. ( Or maybe even more)

It was quite funny, since they both came out to each other on the same day, accidentally telling that the boy group members looked hot.

Baekhyun later transferred back to his school during 2nd year of highschool. And that's when the dispute between Baekhyun and Chanyeol started.

*The day before Baekhyun started school*

Baekhyun decided to stop by a convenient store before going back home from his morning run.

He looked for one of his favourite drink, he usually drank with Jongdae. Since it was on the top, it was quite hard for Baekhyun to reach.

Aish...my stupid height!!

Suddenly Baekhyun felt someone towering behind him. Baekhyun looked up to see a guy picking up the drink he was gonna choose.

He was pretty tall with black hair. And quite unique ears. Baekhyun didn't deny, he did look hella good. Maybe even his type.

The guy just picked up a drink and left. And unfortunately that was the last one. Suddenly Baekhyun felt a little pissed.

"Excuse me? I got that drink first. That's mine." Baekhyun said folding his arms. His sassiness coming out.

Though he looked hot, Baekhyun hates when someone doesn't show any basic manners.

The guy stopped few steps away from Baekhyun and turned with a mocking expression.

"Then you should have taken it. I took it first so...it's mine!" He said shrugging, shaking the bottle. 

Baekhyun couldn't believe what he just heard.

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