"What a beautiful flower is blooming in our garden again tonight!" he said admiringly.

Jodha blushed and turned her head to one side, embarrassed.

"Has the ring just made itself felt?" he asked softly.

"Yes!" She couldn't look at him. "With you too?" she whispered.

"I've been waiting for you here. Yesterday you got away after the ring had woven its magic!" He smiled. Her cheeks turned dark red.

"You recognized me this afternoon!" she changed the subject.

"Ji! Your eyes gave you away!" She turned around and finally he could look into her beautiful hazel eyes.

"I was finally able to admire your archery skills! Subhan Allah! Not many can do that! Your nephew is also an excellent master of the bow! One day he will become a great warrior. How old is he?"

"Maan Singh is ten years old. He is a good student! My brother and I taught him. He will one day outstrip us."

"Only ten? Mashallah! He looks older!"

"He has already deceived some with that. He can also handle the sword excellently!"

"You too?" he asked suddenly.

"Me too!" she replied, again embarrassed.

"Maybe one day we will be able to enjoy a taste of your skills with the sword!" he said softly.

"Shahenshah! Stop it!" Her cheeks burned.

"How come? I like it when a woman can defend herself!"

"Your heart knows the way"  it echoed in Jodha's mind. She shook her head slightly to drive the voice away.

"You just say that!"

"No I am serious! By the way... Why didn't you answer my letter?"

"Because the invitation to your sister's wedding arrived and I thought ...!"

"What did you thoght?" he asked gently.

"Nothing shahenshah!"

"My last line of the letter come true!"

"What? You remember what you wrote?" Jodha asked in astonishment.

"Every word! May Allah let cross our paths again! Allah heard me! What about your ankle? Have you hurt yourselves? Or why did I feel a pain in my ankle when the ring did its magic?"

"Um ... Mh ... I stepped into a hole on one of my rides and sprained my ankle."

"You were on the way alone?"

"Um ... Haa!"

"Why do I have the feeling that there is more to this story?"

"How do you come up with that?"

"Because you were traveling alone!"

"Oh Kanha, I can't tell him about Rai Singh,"  thought Jodha.

"Do you want to tell me?"

"You are an attentive listener! But no, Shahenshah! Please leave it at that! Tell me about Abdul's injury. He looked alive and well when he brought us the message from you."

"He is fully recovered. A stray bullet hit him during the siege and ricocheted off a rib, breaking it and causing a severe flesh wound. The wound has become badly infected. I really thought he was dying!"

"Oh! Fortunately he has recovered! You have a loyal friend in him. You wrote that your path was accompanied by suspicion and conspiracies. Were you able to find the causes and counteract them?"

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