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He walked into your house using the spare key you'd given him recently and then into your bedroom. When his eyes fell on your curled up form and tear stained cheeks, he knew nothing had worked out.

Jimin walked up to your bed and sat beside you slowly caressing your arm trying to comfort you.

Once you had stopped crying and looked at him he slowly asked you the details of what happened at Taehyung's house.

"He said he doesn't want to be my friend anymore Jimin", you said and sobbed harder.

Jimin looked so shocked at what you said. You felt at peace knowing that it wasn't just you who couldn't believe it.

"I'm so sorry Y/N", he muttered once he recovered from the shock

"Don't be Jimin it's not your fault", you got up and sat next to him "Thank you for being there for me at this time"

"You don't have to thank me Y/N. I'm just being a good friend", he gave you a small smile.

The both of you sat there in silence, but it was a comfortable silence while he held your hand and you laid your head on his shoulder.

"You know what's the most pathetic thing?", you started as Jimin looked at you and hummed.

"I saw Aera leave his place today morning, apparently she had spent the night there"

"WHAT???", Jimin asked in disbelief.

"Yeah and she looked so proud of herself. It was as if she was challenging me to try and stop her from taking Taehyung from me. I just hate her so much goddddd", you rambled on as Jimin listened closely to you while looking at nothing in particular.

"I didn't get good vibes from her too when I met her in Instrumentals class. She had such a fake aura", Jimin replied to you.

"I know right!", you exclaimed looking up at Jimin.

"How come Taehyung doesn't notice it?", he wondered out loud.

"I guess he is blind in love.. or Aera must have done some kind of black magic on him"

"Actually she DID some black magic on him or else it was so unlike him to call me a jealous bitch", you stated with a bitter monotone.

"Wait he called you what?", Jimin asked taken aback and disbelief written on his features.

"Yeah he called me a bitch who'll ruin their relationship"

Jimin clenched his jaw and got up from the bed pacing around your room with anger and hatred.

"I'm going over there right now, kicking his balls and making him apologize to you", he claimed and walked towards your door.

"Jimin stop please", you called after him with a weak voice, "It's over anyways. He isn't the same person I knew and he won't care. He might even hurt you and I don't want that please"

He looked at you and his eyes warmed at your glossy and tired ones. He walked over, seated himself next to you and gave a hug. A long comforting hug that you realised you needed the most at the moment. You closed your eyes and let the sounds of your breathing calm down your pacing mind and heart.

"Y/N?" Jimin called after about half an hour. You looked up at him and he smiled at you.

"It's all going to get better", he placed what felt like a light kiss on your forehead, "I'm gonna make you feel better and help you move on"

"Thank you Jimin", you whispered into his chest.

"But for that", he went on "You need to let me do a few things"

He got up and went to the other side of your room as you watched him carefully. He unplugged your phone that was charging and sat back next to you. Jimin opened your contacts list and blocked Taehyung's number. He did the same with Instagram, Twitter and all your other social media.

"I don't think you'll be able to move on if he keeps popping up in your social media accounts", he carefully explained to you.

"You then might want to take this away too", you pointed at the purple bracelet in your hand, the same bracelet Taehyung gave you.

"Y/N are you sure?", Jimin didn't know how to act.

"He gave this to me while promising that he'll always be by my side, when he broke the promise the bracelet too lost it's meaning", you stated as you stared at the beautiful piece of jewelry that you didn't really feel anything towards anymore.

"Fine then", Jimin carefully removed the bracelet, placed it in it's case and kept it in your dressing table's drawer.

"Your going to get better now", he came back and sat next to you.

"Jimin will it really get better, will I be able to move on?", you asked him once he put his arms around you.

"Yes. He is just an asshole who broke your heart but I'm gonna fix it", he said and closed his eyes, so did you

At that moment, you weren't sure. You weren't sure if you'd find anyone who will fill Taehyung's place. If your heart would accept everything and move on. If you and Taehyung will ever talk to each other again. If you actually heal like Jimin was saying you would. You couldn't find the answers and so you let time determine what would happen to you.

Because nothing can heal something better than time itself.

A/N - Follow my Wattpad account and also vote.. please :))

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