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It has been a long time since you had a full conversation with Tae. You couldn't even see him in Math and English class anymore since he exchanged those classes with Instrumentals and Geography, so he could be in the same class as Aera.

He ignored your calls, replied to your texts with very short answers, and made up some excuse to not hangout with you. This was so unlike him and you were getting worried.

While you got some free time during your part-time job, you texted him.

Thursday (5:30 PM)

Me : Hey Tae

After 20 mins he replied with

Tae : Hi

Me : Wanna meet for dinner?

Tae : Not feeling like it.

Me : Why not?

Tae : Just no Y/N

Me : Fine

You let him be for now and got back to work as your boss came to inspect.

After getting back from work you texted Taehyung again neglecting your self esteem.

Thursday (7:36 PM - 8.45PM)

Me : Hey Tae

Me : Tae??

Me : Hello?

Me : K guess you aren't speaking to me

Me : Are you dead?

Me : I'm actually worried now :((

Me : Fine I'm calling you..

You dialed his number that you knew by heart and waited and waited.. but he never picked up. You called again, and again, and again. You probably called 6 times and then gave up. He obviously didn't want to talk to you at the moment.

You instead texted Jimin, who had become a regular in your life the past week.

Me : Hello :)

Jimin : Heya

You were glad at least someone in the world wanted to talk to you.

Me : How are you?

Jimin : Woah what's with the formalities?

Me : Idk just asking..

Jimin : I'm great Y/N.. How are you?

Me : Ok ig.. just hanging in there

Jimin : Hey you wanna talk?

Me : Not on text I'm exhausted

Jimin : Wanna grab a burger? I know a really good place!!

Me : Jimin..

Jimin : Yeah?

Me : Do you really wanna hangout?

Jimin : Yes Y/N why?

Me : Are you sure you aren't doing this just for me?

Jimin : Well I love burgers so that's that.

Me : I don't wanna burden you

Jimin : Trust me you are not a burden

Me : Thanks Jimin

Jimin : Anytime :) So do I pick you up?

Me : Guess I'll just walk there.. send me the location

Jimin : *location attached*

Me : See yaaaa

Jimin : Haha see ya

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