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The next day you were standing by your school lockers wondering about the random and horrible things life has for you. And they can be classified as the stupidest thoughts. Just when you were about to drool daydreaming, a hand smacked the backside of your head. It was Taehyung.

"Ouch", you screamed glaring at the taller boy now grinning at your pain.

"Good morning bestie", he greeted.

"Bad morning", you replied sighing slightly. He laughed and started walking with you to Scrooge's class. On the way a couple of girls looked towards Tae's and stared. Stared to a point where it was creepy. But you both were used to it by now. He was always the guy who looked good, was badass and fun to be around. Many girls were even jealous of you due to the friendship you both shared.

"You didn't tell me what's wrong", he said as you entered the class. 

"Well everything", you replied as you took a seat next to him.

"And more specifically?", he prompted you to go on.

"Firstly, I couldn't complete my homework cause of you. Second, I don't even know why I have to do MATH homework when I want to be a cinematographer. Thirdly, Scrooge is an asshole. I want him to be doomed. And lastly, my parents are want to come to visit me this weekend so I can't have any free time", as you finished ranting Scrooge entered the class.

"Your day isn't going to get any better", replied Tae as the class greeted your teacher.

And that was something you knew very well.

As the class went on, the more boring it got. You looked around and saw a few faces drooling at the uninteresting black board. A few looking out of the window in an attempt to find something more interesting and some students whispering to each other. But the whispers were silenced by Scrooge's loud grumpy voice explaining the unnecessary theory and calculations.

You looked at Taehyung and he was writing something on a chit, and two minutes later he passed it on to you with a slight and pleasant smile.

'Wanna get ice cream after class?', it read.

You grabbed your pen and wrote a 'Sure' right below his shabby handwriting. 

And just when you were about it pass it back to him, Scrooge caught you red-handed. He was standing in front of your table and glaring at you. You didn't even have the time to process as to when he walked over to you from the blackboard.

"Well, it again is the two people who love getting in trouble", he stated smugly looking at you and Taehyung, a proud feeling washed over his wrinkly face, pleased with catching the both of you, yet again. "What are you lovebirds talking about?" he asked and that's why you hated him. For stating something you wanted so badly, but would never happen.

You simply glared at him and stood up from your seat to face him. Beside you Taehyung stood up too. Scrooge simply smirked at the both of you, then asked you to leave his class and stand outside until the class is over.

You walked outside the class with the taller guy and stood there and the both of you gossiped until the class was over. 

During the chat Taehyung said,
"On a serious note, do you know this guy called Jimin?", he asked you.

"I do he is in my French class", you replied looking at him confused with where this conversation was going. 

"I heard from whispers on the street that he has a teeny tiny crush on you", he said looking at you.

And you continued to stare at him. After processing the words you laughed shaking your head, denying the words he just said. There was no way in heaven that Jimin, the adorable guy from your French class would like you. You haven't even had a complete conversation with him since the 3 months of school start.

"Don't deny it", Taehyung replied to your denial of the rumor. And just as when you were about to reply the school bell rang indicating the end of Scrooge's class and beginning of hell for you.

You and Tae walked into the class next to each other to be greeted by a very frustrated Scrooge. You both looked at him and he looked back for a few seconds before assigning you both with a punishment. The punishment was to clean the the stock room on the other end of the school. 


After being done with the cleaning which took an hour and a half, throughout you and Tae were arguing about whose fault this detention was, you both decided Scrooge was to be blamed. Now, you both were standing outside your favorite place, The Molly Moon's, an ice cream shop you've been visiting with Tae for almost 10 years now.

You got Chocolate Chip and he got Strawberry as usual. You received your order and started walking home as you ate your dessert on the way.

"Don't think I forgot about our conversation!", he said as you walked back home.

"Which conversation? The one about why mint chocolate sucks?", you asked confused.

"No, the one about you, Jimin and his crush, which is you"

"Oh that. I honestly don't think that's true. And even if it was, I don't know him enough to be in a relationship with him" you stated.

"Oh come on Y/N. Then go on dates before you start dating", he said feigning disappointment in you.

"Dates are the last thing I have time for. Did you see our homework list for today?", you asked back

"Yeah and half of them are unnecessary", he said.

"I know", you exaggeratedly agreed.

The rest of the way, you and Taehyung talked about movies, TV shows and books you both often read and watched together over the years. When you reached your house, you waved him goodbye and watched as he walked to his apartment, a few blocks away from yours.

On coming home, you were tired to point where you couldn't get up and decided to rest for sometime until you part time job summoned you.

And in the meantime you decided to text Jimin, whose number Taehyung gave you today.

A/N - Jimin likes Y/N??? Y/N likes Taehyung?? Ok drama?? Lol 

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