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You knocked on Taehyung's door with freezing knuckles due to the cold weather outside. Two minutes later, the door was opened and a very happy and grinning Taehyung greeted you. You smiled back at his unique boxy smile and entered his house.

"So I have snacks and everything ready", he said as he walked you into the living room and sat with you on the couch. The couch you've sat on a million times. You've shed tears and shared laughter with Taehyung on this very old fabric and it was a part of your memory, some of the best ones with Tae.

"Alright, I'm ready for the cryfest", you declared. 

"Yeah Y/N, the crybaby is gonna cry again", he said in a comedic voice making fun of you.

"Shut up! You're gonna be making this room a pool by the end of the movie", you dissed back.

"Let's see", and with that he played the movie.

The movie went on. Characters on the screen moved in and out of the screen. But you weren't paying attention and neither was Taehyung. The both of were very obsessed in your own thoughts. Your thoughts about your complicated feelings and if you would be able to have these movie nights if you confessed and he rejected. Meanwhile, Tae's thoughts were about when the right time was to give you present he bought for you.

He decided to give it during the end of the movie, when you would be the most emotional. That would get some of the best reactions from you.

The ending of the movie neared. The great Titanic which was believed to be the unsinkable ship just proved the beliefs of everyone wrong and sunk deep into the ocean taking the last remnants and lives with it.

 Your cheeks were drenched with tears but Taehyung beside you was sobbing. You looked at him and chuckled. This is why you loved him so much. One minute he could be that hot, classy and handsome boy from Daegu, and the next he could be that emotional and adorable ball of fluff your arms fit around so well.

He looked at your smiling face and stopped sobbing. He questioned you by raising one eyebrow, and you shook your head smiling even harder and putting your arms around him hugging him tight. He hugged you back and you both stayed like that for sometime. Soon, Tae broke the hug and scrambled off to his room coming back after a few minutes with two boxes.

"What are those for?", you asked curiously.

He simply sat down beside you once again and turned towards you. He opened the boxes and you saw two beautiful bracelets. One in purple colour and one in yellowish-golden colour. 

"They are friendship bracelets. The purple one which is in my favorite colour is for you, and the yellow one which is in your favorite colour is for me", he answered smiling at you.

This gesture melted your heart and gave you the reassurance that he, your best friend still cares for you. At that moment, you didn't want the moment to end. And if and when it did you wanted to play it again and again in your brain, because honestly it was beautiful.

"These are beautiful Tae!", you exclaimed admiring the piece of jewels before you.

"I know and I also want to tell you thanks for being there for me every time I needed you and I promise you that I'll always be your best friend", he said making your heart skip a beat.

"This is my way of expressing it", he went on.

You had tears in your eyes and his were glossy too. The happiness in both your eyes shined brighter that all the stars of the solar system combined. You quickly pulled him into a hug and held him, feeling his heart beat against yours. Their rhythmic sounds mixing together to form the perfect melody.

"Can I make you wear it now?", he asked breaking the hug. You nodded and showed in your wrist.  He helped you wear yours and you then helped him wear his.

Once it was done, you both cuddled and watched another movie, this time a comedy-romance. The laughter you shared that night was pure bliss coming straight from your hearts. And you were glad you got to share with Tae, because to you no one else mattered at that moment. 

Taehyung was your world. He always was, and he always would be.

During the movie, you snuggled closer to him and said,

"I hope I never lose you Tae"

"You never will Y/N", he replied pulling you closer.

You wished those words were true and hoped fate didn't have anything bad planned for the both of you.

Something bad enough to tear apart this delightful camaraderie.

Once the movie was done, you walked back home to find your parents sleeping in the guest room of your house. You quietly sneaked into your room and fell asleep while staring at the charming purple bracelet Taehyung gave you. Your mind and heart filled with the same guy.

A/N - Their friendship makes me crave something like that 💞

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