Reasons to stay

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🖤The feeling after a whiskey
🖤How green everything is after it rains
🖤Finding a song that describes exactly how you feel
🖤Someone pulling you a little closer even though they're asleep
🖤The feeling you get before a first kiss
🖤The stories in the stars and the colours in the sky
🖤Making someone laugh when you didn't mean to
🖤Blowing someone a kiss and watching them try and catch it
🖤People who sing in the streets
🖤The first cigarette of the day
🖤My god daughter
🖤Playing cards with my sisters
🖤Songs that feel like Sunday
🖤When someone is singing and gets so lost in it they close their eyes
🖤Dancing around in your underwear
🖤The smell of Chinese food
🖤How no two sunsets are the same
🖤The sound of the waves on the shore in the middle of the night
🖤Undisturbed patches of snow
🖤When people remember little details about you
🖤Making eye contact with a stranger and then they smile at you
🖤The feeling of not having to explain yourself when talking absolute nonsense, because someone just gets it
🖤The first 10 seconds of the day
🖤Someone recognising your hard work
🖤The beginning of winter when the air is crisp and fresh
🖤Being kissed all over the face
🖤When someone is surprisingly witty
🖤The smell of other peoples cologne or perfume
🖤The smell of babies
🖤The colour pink
🖤The feeling of pride for somebody you love
🖤Seeing the people you love grow
🖤The good kind of nervous
🖤When things are organised
🖤The feeling of freshly shaved legs and clean sheets
🖤Bubbles baths with candles

*Every time I find a reason, I'll update. What are your reasons?*



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