Breathe Again

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She's had her hands around my throat
for as long as I could remember,
My breath tight in her grasp,
completely surrendered.
She overpowers me, like a dark shadow,
And it engulfs me like a fire,
Burning through every vein and fibre,
Clogging up my pours like smoke,
Always the one causing me to choke.

And it's okay here sometimes,
in the darkness, with no control.
Where I can give in to the numbness and let go,
Ready to let her swallow me whole.

But it's moments like this, when you look at me that way,
or the way everything looks in the light, It's these moments that make me
push her off my back and try my hardest to fight.

Unwrapping her fingers, one by one, away from my throat
It gets easier and easier to believe in hope.

And one day, I may breath again.



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