Chapter 6- desisions

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After Alex left the washroom, he came to join others at the table.

"Alex, we were starting to think you had run away'' Ava said with a smile, as Alex joined them at the table. Alex just responded to her statement with a smile and focused on his food.

They continued to eat in silence until Katie spoke "Alex do you have any questions you'd like to ask us?"

Alex looked up at Katie and saw her giving him eye signals to speak. Alex got the hint and asked "So what do you do for a living?"

The man responded first with a big smile "I am an oil tycoon, I founded the company 'BIG OIL', have you heard of it?" the man sked

Alex shook his head

"Oh, I thought you might have heard of it, well I own 62% of the company in stocks, did I mention the company is worth 450 billion ponds" Henry said obviously boastful.

The woman cleared her throat, it was her turn to speak "Have you ever heard of 'WHITEWOOD STUDIOS'?

Alex nodded his head yes, and Ava triumphantly smiled to Henry who ignored her, while his facial expression showed jealousy

"If you've heard of it then you should know that we are am international company which produce Film and books, I am the owner and a director at the company"

Alex was now confused, they sounded like normal people who want to adopt a child but what Katie said in the bathroom is strongly registered in his mind why did she say that she needed to save him. Throughout the dinner he acted surprised and happy for them as they were boasting about their achievements, he then turned to his food to continue eating and silently thought to himself that what's the worst that would happen if he gets adopted, he's just going to wait and see where life takes him

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