Chapter 5 - Explanation??

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He looked up in the mirror and saw Katie behind him. ''Katelynn what are you doing here?'',

 "Why else would I be in the washroom'' she responded in a casual voice "Oh then go ahead and do your thing, don't mind" Alex responded

"Okay fine" she started "I'm here to tell you that........., Ugh, I don't even know where to start......"

"Start from the beginning" Alex said. Just then the door opened

"Quick, hide!" Alex exclaimed

"Why? Katie asked

Before Alex could respond a boy walked in with shock drawn on his face when his eyes landed on Katie

"Al what's she doing here? The boy asked Alex

"Heyy, B-Ball (actual name Ben) It's not what you think, I can explain why.........." Alex abruptly stopped his sentence and curiously watched Katie as she brought out lipstick and slowly started walking towards Ben with a sinister look on her face. She halted her steps when she was a few inches away from Ben.

"Wait, don't come closer, what are you doing" he said, surprised at how nervous he was. Alex observed all this in silence. Katie turned the lipstick upside down removed the bottom part displaying a sprayer head. Katie then raised the lipstick and sprayed a reddish liquid substance on Ben's face. He slowly fell down and lost consciousness.

"What did you do?" Alex said calmly

"Don't worry, he will wake up in a few minutes, He just may not remember anything"
Katie said solemnly

"Why do you have that, are you here to kidnap me!" Alex shouted

"No, I am here to save you"

"From what!" Alex asked immediately


Beep-beep, Beep-beep, Beep-beep. This loid voice filled the room. "why is your watch making that noise

"Can you stop using the word 'why' there must be other words in your vocabulary" Katie said

"Are you avoiding my question?" Alex asked

Katie showed her wrist to Alex indicating her watch, "It's a reminder we've spent eight minutes here, If we don't get back to the table our parents will be worried. Katie held Alex's wrist to drag him out but Alex resisted

"Come on, let's go"

Alex remained quiet and started into her eyes while looking confused

"What" Katie asked

"Why should I come with you? You still haven't explained anything to me, how can I know if I can trust you? Alex asked in an innocent voice.

"I promise I will explain everything to you, if you know what's best for you just play along and get adopted, and to answer the last part of your question, you can trust me because I like you" Katie said shyly and leaned closer to Alex and gave him a peck on his cheek and immediately turned to leave. 

Alex remained in the same position as before surprised (in fact shocked) about the recent activities that had transpired in the last 3 minutes. He sighed in confusion and walked to the sink, he opened the tap and washed his face with water repeatedly

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