Chapter 3 - Adoption talks (1)

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    "We have been here on two different occasions but you were always in school, when we came around today, we heard that you were in school, so we decided to come and pick you up from school" continued the woman

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    "We have been here on two different occasions but you were always in school, when we came around today, we heard that you were in school, so we decided to come and pick you up from school" continued the woman

"But h............" Alex started but got interrupted by the woman

"Let's get something to eat first, shall we?"

They all Proceeded to the orphanage dining room for visitors, Alex kept stealing glances at the orphanage care-giver and he noticed that she is very nervous.

 He looked around for the man who came into the room to announce that he was awake but he was nowhere to be found

Finally, they reached the dining room, the caregiver didn't enter the room, she told the two people that she has other duties to perform and left. 

So, this dinner was only going to be with the three of them (Alex, the man, and the woman). They all took their seat around a big round table, he noticed the table was set for four people, but they were only three at the table at the moment

"Our daughter would be joining us shortly" the man announced

"You have a daughter" Alex inquired surprised at his statement.

"Yes, she should be as old as you" the woman answered this time

"Then why do you want to adopt me"

"Uhm, because, because she has a ..." the man stopped prompting the woman to continue

"I have a medical condition that allows me to give birth to only females". Alex sensed the hesitation in her voice and knew that she was lying and, did they really think that he is so naive to believe this. "Oh, I'm sorry" Alex responded sarcastically

Just then, the door opened Alex turned his head back to meet a beautiful young teen who was leisurely walking to the table focusing on the phone in her hand, she had the same short golden blonde hair as her mother and the same deep blue eyes as her father.

"I'm sorry I'm late dad, there was a lot of traffic today" the girl said in an angelic feminine voice.

The man stood up from his seat and passionately hugged her "You still made it in time, Alex meet my daughter, Katie".

"Not to sound rude, in case you haven't noticed, I don't even know you!" Alex said in a slightly pitchy voice.

"Oh, I'm sorry we haven't properly introduced ourselves; I am Sabrina Ava Char-lee. But just call me Ava, Alex lowered his head and snickered "I know right, that's the whole point, it sounds like 'Charlie'. My last name is actually Marylee but when I got married to Henry, I added his last name to mine.

Ava gestured a hand to the man prompting him to introduce himself "And I'm Henry Magnus Charolus"

"And finally, I am Katelynn Eva Charolus, nice to meet you" Katie said and engulfed Alex in an unexpected hug as she was sitting right next to him. Alex was initially surprised but gladly hugged her back, despite his good physical appearance, he is not openly liked by his peers. And here was a beautiful girl who gladly accepted him without being paid to be nice to him. His heart fluttered at the thought that she might actually have feelings for him. "And I am Michael Alexander SPC Pendragon" Alex said with a big smile while staring into her deep blue eyes, after a couple of seconds he started to feel as if he was being creepy 'keep yourself together' he told himself.

Interest was shown on the girl's face "What does SPC mean?".

Alex had heard people ask him this question too many times. When he was brought to the orphanage at age 5, he didn't remember much about himself he had slight memories about himself including a woman with red hair and eyes like his. Even though he has forgotten every other detail about himself he just can't forget that woman and his name, it's like a primitive reflex. "I don't know" Alex responded gloomily.


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