C H A P T ER - T H R E E

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Tristan Lewis Point Of View

"No, no, no, I'll talk, I'll talk!" the warlock shouted as I moved to only a few steps away from him. I choose to ignore him, extending my claws from my fingers and lifting my hand, ready to strike. 

"The rogues made us do it!" he yelled as he pressed himself further into the wall behind him. "They planned to distract and get you alone so we could cast the spell!" 

"What was in it for you? And what the spell?" Taren quizzed, crossing his arms across his chest. 

"Th-they too-" he began to stutter, his nerves clearly getting the better of him. I grinned, watching him squirm as I moved closer towards him. "Speak faster!" I snapped, already growing tired of him. 

"They took my sister! They said if the coven helped cast the spell, they would give her back. The spell's not one I was familiar with before; the language was ancient. They didn't tell us much of what it did, but from my understanding, it's supposed to lead you to your mate and start the mate bond." 

I stopped in my tracks; if the mate bond had already started, then...

"So the girl in your dreams was your mate." The warlock confirmed. Regret filled me as I remembered the brief time I had spent with her, the way I had accused her, threatened her. I found myself shaking as low growls sept out of me. 

"What was their plan with all this?" Taren asked, moving closer to the warlock. 

"As I said, the spell has brought them together and so has already started the mate bond, which means they can not be apart for too long. Eventually, you and your mate will weaken from being apart; as she is human, she will probably go into some sort of coma and die." All I saw was red as I lunged towards the warlock at those words, ready to rip him limb from limb. Taren quickly jumped in front of the warlock, "We still need him, Cad " he tried to reason with me, but my wolf was in complete control. 

"I am an Alpha! I do not take orders from Betas!" I boomed 

"Yes, Alpha, but as your beta, I am here to advise you, and I would advise we do not kill him yet; we need all the information we can get if we are going to save our Luna, your mate." The mention of my mate had my wolf calming, allowing me to regain control once more. 

"Could we not just go back into the dream and find out some more information on her so that we can go find her?" Taren asked. 

"Of course we thought of that!" The warlock snapped, clearly offended we thought so lowly of him and his covens magic. "If you ask her anything that can lead you to her; her name, where she lives, job - anything, she can't hear your question." 

"Get Scala down here!" I barked at the guard standing by the door. Scala was a witch who was mated to Issac, one of the warriors in my pack; her loyalty was to me after her coven had kicked her out from being chosen to complete the bond and mate to a wolf.

"Did you say it was a group of Rogues?" Taren asked while we waited. 

"Yes. About 30-40 of them," he answered

"Rogues don't usually work together." Taren voiced into the room, echoing my thoughts. 

"They do if they have a common motive, and boy do they really hate you...And your whole family," The warlock voiced, chuckling to himself. Slicing my claws across his bare arm had him hissing in pain, but I wiped that smug grin off of his face.  

"How can I be of assistance, Alpha?" Scala asked, entering the cell, with her mate Issac in tow. 

"We need your help. It appears this Warlock has cast a spell over me and..." I stopped, taking a deep breath. Was this all really happening? "My mate." I finally spoke, watching the concern fill their faces at the mention on their Luna. 

"What is the spell?" She asked. Taren quickly jumped in to bring her up to speed, Excusing myself, Deciding it was best to leave and take a run to try and calm myself. I made my way out of the cell, back up to the stairs and out the main door to the packhouse, before springing into the air and shifting into my wolf. As my paws began pounding against the earthy ground once more, my mind began to race with all the events that had accord in less than twenty-four hours.

I knew she was supposed to be the girl of my dreams, but I never thought it would be so literal. A loud sigh left me as I pushed myself to go faster and deeper into the woods; regret filled me once more as I remembered our brief encounter in the dream. The fear in her eyes. She'll think I'm a monster. I can only hope that I can redeem myself; I'll spend the rest of my life making it up to him if I have to ... If I have the opportunity to. NO. I'll be damned if I let these rogues hurt my mate before I had even had the chance to meet her. Properly that is.

"Alpha, we have a plan," Taren informed me through the pack link.

Shaking my head to clear all the negative thoughts, I quickly turned and made my way back to the packhouse where Taren was already waiting outside with some new clothes for me.

"What's the plan then?" I asked as we made our way inside towards the kitchen. Scala and Issac were already perched on the bar stools on the island.

"So the spell is pretty old, it's not something I've seen since the dark ages, and it's hard to make sense of most of the language used...without being able to speak to an elder on it." She paused, letting out a sigh as her mate was quick to comfort her by rubbing her back." so unfortunately, I can't break it. However, I think we have a resolve. I can edit part of the spell so that when you go back into the dream, it will allow you to get some information out of her to help us find her."

I could find her. I could have her. Could it really be that easy?

"We will do it tonight when then the moon is at its peak. There is one small problem." she paused, looking at me, before continuing, "When a Witch or Warlock casts a spell, they have ownership over it, and if anyone attempts to break or change the spell, they will be able to feel it. As I can't work out all the ins and outs of the spell because of the accident language, I'm not sure what will happen. There is another option. "

I nodded, urging for her to continue. She sighed, lowering her head, refusing to make eye contact with me. Making it abundantly clear I wasn't going to like this option.

"I could break the spell now; you'd never -"

"No!" I roared, cutting her off, "I will be damned if I have to walk this earth a moment longer without my mate. This pack needs her."

"We also need our Alpha, and this is risky; we don't know what will happen in there." Taren cut in.

"Alpha, I will enact the new spell tonight, and we will keep a watchful eye over you as you sleep, but if I see any sign of distress, I will pull you and our Luna out of there no matter what information. You have." Scala said calmly, "I can also buy you some time; I'm going to cast my spell that will delay the mate bond from causing any harm by a few weeks; all you need to do is kiss her in the dream, but she will also forget you and everything that happened in the dream."

"Do it." I replied before turning and swiftly exiting the room, making my way to my office in hopes of distracting myself until then. I'm glad she won't remember anything from the dream...especially how awful I was to her, but how the hell was I going to get her to kiss me?

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