C H A P T E R - T W O

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Tristan Lewis Point Of View

"How is this possible? How can you be standing in front of me right now?" I gasped, my eyes wide with shock.

She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "I don't know," she replied. "I just am..."

"Are you real?" I asked, taking a step towards her.

"Last time I checked," she responded, flashing me a smile. "I could have sworn I was just packing..." her voice trailed off as she was deep in thought,"Time... Do you have a watch?"

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "No. What's your name?" I asked.

She ignored me and began looking around once more, as if she was searching for something. Before I could ask what she was looking for she turned on her heel and began making her way towards towards the kitchen. "where are you going?" I called after her. 

"I'm looking for a clock." she threw over her shoulder. 

"Why are you ignoring my question? And why do you need a clock?" I demanded. 

"I'm not ignoring your questions - I told you I was looking for a clock. I read online that if you find a clock and you can't read it then you're dreaming, which would explain all this" she finished throwing her hands up in the air. Wait this a dream? 

"There's a clock in my office." I said as I made my way out of the kitchen and back into the foyer towards my office. When I reached my office, I was surprised to find the door was already unlocked, I always made sure this was locked unless I was in it. Pushed the door slightly, taking a quick peak inside, everything appeared as normal. Sunrays were shining in from the large window illuminating the room. My leather chair tucked in under the mahogany desk, that was covered in my unorganised papers and maps of territories. Stepping back I opened the door wider, letting my M- her into my office. Could she really be my mate?  

She mumbled a thank you to me as she stepped into the room, her hand briefly touching mine as she walked passed sending tingles up my arm. She scanned the room, before her eyes landed on the clock. I watched in amusement, as her face scrunched as she concentrated, before a a smug grin spread across her face. "See - I told you this wasn't real!" she exclaimed, gesturing towards the clock on the wall. I began studying the clock, she was in fact right, the numbers on the clock were completely blurry; this wasn't real. She wasn't real. 

Rage cursed throw my body. I let out a loud growl in frustration before slamming my fist on the table. She wasn't real! This had all been a trick. How could they have fooled me into thinking this was my mate... how could I feel all these feelings, feelings I should only have for my mate. I growled out again. 

"What the fuck.." I heard her whisper. 

"indeed 'what the fuck'" I gritted out, turning around the face her. I could tell by her gasp that my pupils had probably turned completely black at this point. This usually happens to a wolf for two reasons, either when he is lusting or angry; in this case it was the later. 

"You're not real!" I growled out "You're not her! How have you done this trickery?" 

"What are you on about?" 

"This" I snarled, grabbing her arm and letting the tingles course through me once more. "Only my mate should make me feel this way." I had began taking menacing steps towards her as she backed up, until her back hit the wall. 

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