"We have to bring this matter to Alpha's notice." Ryker interrupts.

If I could pound his head into something. Asshole! Mom on the other hand is... is she mind linking someone? Who? "Are you actually calling alpha?" I pull back, unbelievable. They are all ganging up on me.

"I called your father." She shighs.

I need to run! I check the door, calculating if I could make it in time but Ryker intercepts my intentions and sprints in front of it.

"It is between me and Zack and we have talked it through and why do you think you have any say in my dating life."

"I have a say when you are doing my friend who happens to be our alpha and I can't challenge him."

"Honey what are you getting yourself into? Mate instincts does not work that way. What will you do if he finds his mate first? Are you sure you won't be heart broken. Or more if your mate rejects you after finding out about your illicit relationship."

"My mate won't reject me for something that stupid, we haven't even done anything illicit yet!"


Argh! The more I'm defending us the deeper I'm digging my own grave. I know he is just the sweet poison that I should not use. I just do not want to accept our fates this soon. Does it make me a criminal? I hate the idea of him around that girl from that restaurant.

I shift mid air into my wolf and sprint off into the woods. Mom, as she is, never let us do that in front of her neighbours who don't know an ounce of truth, only rumours. I do not give two shits. If they want to believe it then I fucked him and their mans for all I care.

'I think we should not make dad any madder at us than he already would be.' Audrey says turning my anger into worries.

'Were they in a mood to listen or reason?'

'Any wise person would pretend.'

'Then I will pretend I do not care.'

'As long as you are planing on not sticking around him I am fine.' She says.

'Thank you Audrey.'

This is what I wanted to hear from mom. She of all people knew how much Issac mean to me. I slow down thinking how could she expect me to end it just like that. Did she never fall for anyone other than dad? I want at least my mom to understand why I am doing what I am doing.

I have a heart too. It is capable of developing feelings and attachment just like any other teenage girl. Why could she not accept it. I envy humans! I do!

I have been running without any sense of direction heeding all these wild emotions, now that I've slowed I am lost on a mountain to the north of pack borders.

'We have entered denser part of forest, lycan warriors must be assigned to this area. We should leave.' Audrey is on full alert.

'They won't kill us,' I chuckle. The only way she knows to get out of a situation is fight and she is good at it but, 'we can talk it out so chill. Plus you have my back right. There used to be a beautiful waterfall here. Don't you want to see it again?'

'Do what makes you happy right?'

'Me and you against the world,' I say. She growls happily at my statement.

It is so quiet in woods. Goddess I love it. Strolling around for sometime I heard what we were looking for, noise of water falling down. It looks beautiful from above. One would think you can not get out of that large mass of water if one jumps from this height.

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