Chapter 7: Intruders

Start from the beginning

They went up a elevator and walked into a grand room, there were paintings and crystals in practically every inch of the walls as people danced around and talked quietly to each other, most having beautiful gowns or suits made of luxurious materials with hair so well done that Zak felt the need to make his hair look like that too, I mean maybe Darryl would like that style!

"Your majesty, we have arrived with two intruders," the taller guard said, bowing down to the king who set down the book he was holding.

He looked about forty to be exact but knowing how old a Celestial is he was probably at least thousands of years old.

Zak couldn't help but glare at the guard, he was ready to kick the older man's ass but he decided he could do that later once he and Darryl escaped the tight ropes that bided their arms and legs.

"We aren't intruders, think of us as random people who accidentally came here because somebody had a big red button that us humans would love to press!" Zak retorted at the older man who wasn't so pleased with the new arrivals.

The king sighed in response, "look, we don't want any trouble. May I ask for your names?" 

"I-" Zak began but was caught off.

"I'm Darryl and this is Zak." Darryl immediately said as Zak looked at him in shock and gave Darryl the why did you do that face.

Darryl shrugged at him and turned his attention to the king, it was like he had seen the man before as his eyes went down to the floor and his lips went into a tight, thin line.

The king nodded.

"Okay so enough with the nice chit chat, why did you bring us here?" Zak asked, he had gotten too impatient with the speed they were going with, he wanted to get out of there as soon as possible so that they can kick some ass and leave.

"We brought you here because we were wondering, do you know my son Skeppy?" He asked.

The whole crowd gasped in shock of the mention of his son, hushed whispers and mutters escaped the crowd as they all gathered together.

"Well we-" Zak began then they heard a bang on the door and out came a young looking girl with a wicked grin.

She had purple hair, a hot pink crop top that had armor plates on the shoulders, a short black dress that came with a belt with small weapons sticking out, more armor plates on her knees, and black high boots.

 Her purple hair was tied in a braid with dark pink horns sticking out of her head, big demon wings on her back , a slender tail that swished from side to side, and she had a necklace, just like the others except hers was glowing even brighter and her sinister intents were more clear if anything.

"Hello my dear brother," the girl smirked. 

From behind her emerged a short boy who Zak expected was her assistant, he had black hair which was tied with a white bandana, a white t-shirt with a black shirt underneath, and the large black pants.

"Celeste..." the king murmured.

She chuckled in response.

Zak's eyes widened.

 This is Celeste? He thought but it was quickly shattered when Celeste summoned something in her hands. A scythe.

Its handle was black and the spear part was grey, Zak was pretty sure he saw some red spots on the spear part which was definitely not juice whatsoever.

The purple hair girl cackled again and quickly threw her scythe at the king.

The king easily dodged but unfortunately the scythe hit the throne and destroyed it into pieces.

Celeste rolled her eyes in annoyance of her quick brother and started to make an orb, the orb was like all orbs except inside it looked like a galaxy in there, a big dark galaxy.

She threw it at the man and quickly tackled him once it was clear he was hit.

After moments of struggling, Zak escaped the tight ropes and created a sharp diamond. He aimed it at her and watched as it pierced her back.

She hissed in pain as the king threw her into the ground, immediately getting back onto his feet and running away from her.

Celeste turned to look at the two boys, her grip tightening on her scythe as she stood up.

"Well this is unfair," Celeste said in a mocking tone.

 She created a bunch of small versions of planets and threw it at them, knocking both boys to the ground as the miniature plants burst into a bunch of tiny pieces.

"Zak!" Exclaimed Darryl, struggling to get out of the ropes as he desperately looked for Zak.

Celeste walked over to the shuffling brunette and innocently looked at him, "Oh, so who might you be?" She asked.

Darryl felt a shiver down his spine and watched as the girl went closer to him.

"Get away from him!" Exclaimed Zak, tackling the much older women.

He quickly created a diamond sword and immediately swung at her with all the strength he could muster up.

He unfortunately didn't do much damage to Celeste, only a small cut on her cheek.

Celeste cruelly cackled and did something but before Zak realized what was happening he felt a pain in his head and soon everything around him started going dark.

"Zak? ZAK!!"

💌-𝙱𝚎𝚎 𝚖𝚢 𝚏𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍?

I'm sorry for no update in 4 days :p

Got a bit unmotivated but luckily I finished also just to be clear Zak was knocked out-


Love you all💕

🎊-Drink and eat a snack


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