10: Nightmare

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A/n b4 i start ima try and stop doing so much a/n and also dont h8 me im aussie Idonthaveabasementandneverbeeninonebefore So yea i hope this description is alright alsp sorry about the long breaks and dont worry ima stop with the fluffy ness for a while and also potentially a little bad ass karl 😀

This chapter goes out to that person who commented *not redrock the other person* and thank you for being here and commenting on both my books when i get online ima screenshot and write down ur user in the case that i ever get big so then i can thank you for being the original support *and hopefully give u alot of clout bc u deserve it <3 so thank you :)*


I hear


Oh shit no, i think to myself before i run down the dark corridor, it seems to go on forever and my head is hurting so bad

I hear the bloodcurdling scream again except Alex
Nonononono i say to myself pacing around the living room wondering if i should head down to the basement or not

After pacing around i finnaly get my hand on the knob of the large lightly coloured door, i feel the cold of the metal underneath my skin and as im about to walk away i hear Alex call my name

Instinctively i rush down the small flight of stairs to the barely lit eeriness they call a basement and i stop on my tracks

There i see my brother, my best mate, the person who helped me through my parents death and all my trauma from a past relationship

He was tied to a chair, nose dripping dark purpley red thick liquid down his now grey face, littered with bruises including one on his right eye

Against aleces neck was a silver dagger, with a block like spiral on the handel. Holding the unique dagger was a delicate hand that moulded to the dagger, with black and white nails and a purple hoodie sleeve decorating the graceful hand

Nick looks over at his unnoficial lover sitting on alexes lap *everyone has full chlothing on dw* and gives a dissaproving sigh

"Why do you not just kill him yet" nich groans in annoyance as karl gets up and walks over to him "because i like to play with my food nicholas, you aernt jealous are you" karl replies with amusement spread across his face

As karl and nick talk i run over to alex and look over his cuts and bruises "they look deep" i whisper barely audible but accidentally aloud
"J-just go clay" alex whispers back to me, his right eye barely open as he gives me a defeated look and nudges me to leave

As i open the door at the top of the basement i get stopped in my tracks "where do you think your goin, dreamy boy" george says loudly, a large smirk of amusement as i back away from him

"I-i-i-i was j-j-just" i start before i curse under my breath for my stuttering "dont worry" george says gently breaking me from my thoughts "you'll get the same treatment as him" he waves one of his hands in alexis direction

As i step back i trip and fall down the stairs and into an inky blankness, my head and chest are throbbing in pain as i hear echos around me telling me to kill him

Suddenly a descent sized knife appears in my vision and i hesitantly grab it eyeing the brunet infront of me holding a knife of his own.
This wasnt goung to be a clash of swords its just the first to kill or stab the other, these aernt nearly big enough to be used as swords.

I get up and the echos louden and the voice in my head says i have no choice. I duck, barely a moment to spare as his knife Knicks the side of my ear

An all to familiar feeling of warm blood forms on my face and soon my arms are covered in blood. I swing towards george and i get his leg causing him to lose his ballance. I go for the final swing aiming straight for his head and close my eyes as the knife should make impact

But it doesnt

I close my eyes waiting for the feeling of striking something but it never comes and suddenly im in an ocean, an ocean of blood and something tells me its my fault. But not as much as georges body floating next to me and i see further away the waters blue

Not here tho, here is just a mess of cuts and me tryna keep my head afloat and i grimace at the image of georges eyes, their open and appear to be staring into my soul. "George im sorry" i whisper as a tear drips down my face

"Sorry for what" i hear and suddenly i snap back into reality "uh nothing sorry, as you were saying?" I reply glad i just imagined it all

"Uhm so i was saying me nick and karl are gonna be going on another 'mission' " george does quotation marks as he says mission

"Oh yea okay, ill come train with you 3 so then u dont have to practise on the dummys because we all know karl and nick are gonna pair up"

"Sure" he replies as his peach pink lips form a soft smile

*time skip*

A little while after training i go check my followers on twitch and notice its risin ALOT and so does all my other platforms so i decide to dp a thankyou tweet then shut off my phone and head over to the canteen when alex was ordering a chicken and gravy roll and some oak coffee

"Hey you heard about karlnapnotfound?" Alex asks me to which i nod before replying "yea, cant belive their out and about again doing the killing and whatnot now that im sorted and they dont need to babysit me"

I reply earning a chuckle from alex "not gonna lie tubbo tommy and ranboo have been diggin the kills, like litterally they even hid the bodies and all without a single trace"

"Hey truth or dare" alex asks me "truth" i say not expecting it to be anything that hard "why did you forgive them and willingly stay, i mean i know your life isnt perfect but this isnt any better" he asks with a serious look on his face

"Did i say truth i meant dare sorry" i say in a believeable voice, he does buy it but he sighs before thinking "okay i dare you to sneak with them on their mission"

I think for a second waying my options 1 i could go for the truth but i myself didnt know why and then he would question why i lied in the first place causing a big conversation i wasnt really up to even tho hes my best friend im really a keep to myself guy most times

On the other hand do it because whats the worst that could go wrong...

*time skip*

Something went wrong
Im sitting in the boot of the random car they took and i hear gunfire and smell burning fuel, and smoke is filling up the area quickly

I start banging on the roof above me to let me out

Im just trying to get out when i hear a loud noise and light fills my vision


1266 words for the actual chapter

Ok so yea hope this was better sorry its short i just wanted u to know im not giving up i just got out of a shitty state of mind and now im doing shit tonnes of extra work and being that "gifted student" everyone acts like i am when in reality i really only got 7 a's that year and its not that good and i shouldve worked harder plus yr 10 in a couple weeks so my nearly 2 year no work break has suddenly ended and with no friends in class bc their at home or in america *cough cough nightyyy*
Anyways vote / do the star thing and comment

Otherwise im killing karl

and dream and george never end up becoming official and u get a sad ending of ranboo at tubbos grave mouring his loss and tommy shuts down till tw:s3w1c1de happens

Bc thats whats gonna happen unless someone suggests and changes the plot

Gn/gm luv you all <3 and do better at life than me bc i think im not successful

Also tysm for *checks* 128 reads and 9 comments and a couple of stars

If i reach goals like 1k reads or basically anything goodish ill do some super emotionally satisfying stuff

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2021 ⏰

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