8: Just jokes

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We arrive home and unpack my things quickly as we completely forgot about the manhunt with sapnap and karl, thankfully they had to go do stuff with quakity so we rescheduled it to tommorow leaving me plenty of time to unpack my things and sort of "move in" to one of the spare rooms across from georges and next to sapnaps

"Okay so Clay uhm do you want your set next to the single powerpoint near the door or the double one next to ur bed" george says while unpacking the box with my gaming set in it

"Uhm probably next to the double and ill put up this table desk i made" i reply while opening the box with the foldable desk table i made

"What the hell is this Clay, where did u buy it?" He questions while studying every nook and crany of the desk that can be folded out into a table and then back into a small thing i could easily slide under my bed

"Uhh i built it" i say while scratching my neck nervously
"Saw it on better homes and gardens" i say still kind of nervous hoping he doesnt degrade it too much

"You built this?" George says turning to me, his facial expressions unreadable "i-i uhm ye- wait no- uhm i" i stammer and then close my eyes preparing for whattever horrible thing hes gonna say about it

"Omg its so cool Clay, can you build one for me, oh yes then i can have a table when i need a table and a desk when i need a desk, can u build chair ones too" george says while fangirling over this 2 in one table

"You really like it huh?" I ask him before hearing someone in the room next to mine say "George loves a guy who can do things with his hands" i hear sapnap call out with a deep tone

I turn to see george bright red trying to get out some form of a sentence to explain "i- uhm- its not- i dont-" before i erupt into laughter and soon enough im on the floor litterally dying of laughter as i start to choke on air

George laughs along kind of nervously "i- i should" george starts before we hear karl call out from sapnaps room "he likes a guy because of other things too"

in a 😏 sort of way i didnt even know was possible to come out of his mouth considering hes ace and seems like a more gentle less dirty minded kind of person

George says before he leaves my room and heads next door seeing its locked, but that doesnt stop george does it

He goes to the kitchen to grab a knife before coming back angrily, me staying well and truely out of stabbing distance
He gets the tip of the knife and puts it in the tip of the dint in the lock part as its a turn lock and then turns the knife with it thus opening the door

(A/N this is how me and my sibs open locked doors in rl but im not the best at describing it so yea also if u wanna know why i would do something like that on the daily its just bc i break into my own house and rooms alot because of getting locked out or going to do a 'minor damage' fight with my siblings who lock themselves in the laundry dw the knife often scares them and they give up 😊)

I follow george like a puppy into the room as george has a slight sweat running down his face from picking up the heavy boxes and his face is red from- well sapnap and karls jokes because it was all jokes right?

Sapnap and karl are in saps bed because karl doesnt live here with us he lives somewhere outside the fence but works here and comes often

They are hugging each other for dear life not looking to scared just playing along as if this is all some big joke

George walks over to them and points the knife at karls face before saying angrily, gritting his teeth "you wanna repeat what you said Mr jacobs"

Karl however seems unfazed and pushes the knife aside with his hand cutting himself on the blade as thats the side he pushed away and doesnt even care

Behind Blue and Brown Eyes (DNF) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt