Part 5 GeorgenotFound

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A/N 1 thanks for the reads so ill do a little bit of happiness for y'all  2 i am using their gamer names much more often than their real names bc i cant remember whos good with it and not and yes  actually know their names dream:clay obviously
Tubbo:toby but ik for sure he doesnt like ppl using his rl name
Ranboo:is mark im preety sure
Shall i go on



I wake up in another room with a grey and white colour scheme it honestly looks like the rest of this place
Hotel and holiday houses that have been renovated to suit different purposes

My head is throbbing and my vision isnt very clear but i can make out figures well there is a metal trolly table thing on my right and a sink and counter i think with some open cabinets that have things in them im assuming medical supplies

I also have a needle in my hand connected to a bag of fluids and my body is covered in cuts and bruises

I notice on my left alot more supplies and as my vision very slowly clears i notice someones sitting on a chair next to me looking at their phone

Even tho i cant see well i could tell that its my brunet kidnapper so i decide my first words in a while should be memorable

Are these hickeys from u or bruises
I say slightly startling him

Oh your awake and no sapnap did all the damage and hes too loyal to karl and quakity tho u could maybe get close to him and join their poly relationship quakity gets lonely sometimes when karl and sapnap are out on jobs
He replies with a not so threatening voice

Theres another quakity thats weird i thought quakity was a unique name that only my friend had
I say with confusion

George looks at me puzzled for a moment
Ok is ur quakity
Short black hair has a kitten wears a beanie often swears alot and sold drugs to a 13 yr old once?
George says

Yes yes definately yes and wait THE KID WAS 13 he said they were 18 the fuckin liar
I exclaim

George giggles a little before saying
Yep thats alex alright

I say before questioning
Wait he comes here?
So hes in law school sold drugs to a kid and is in a poly relationship with 2 killers

Yea this is where he dissapears to and karl can kill but he prefers not to
Oh but one thing he does kill at is nail polish hes done mine several times he did really nicely detailed ones for halloween once

He even painted technos nails pink with a blood drip look at the base once
George whispers

I start wheezing at the thought of pig santa clause getting his nails done

Hey blood for the blood god
George says

True true
I reply

Hey i have 2 questions i say with a slightly serious tone

George sits up straight in his chair to show hes paying attention

1:am i aloud to see quakity and 2:why do u put up with me

I think you should be able to see alex soon
George pauses for a minute and takes a breath in before continuing

When i was younger my brother and i were in a similar situation
We saw them kill someone and they took us
One night i convinced my brother to escape and i got shot he stayed took the blame for everything and got killed

Tears form at the corners of georges eyes but he refuses to let them fall

George im so-

Dont be dreamy boy
He does a sad giggle

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