Part 2:the base

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3rd person view: they drove in silence- well almost
The dirty blonde in the backs heavy breathing was there too and it annoyed the fuck out of them both

'Can we just kill him now while he's passed out' says sapnap
'I thought you liked to play with your food' george replies with a devilish smirk
"Nah i only play with karl" Sapnap says jokingly

A few minutes later they arrived at the base far out of town, It had high brick walls with barbed wire ontop
And inside was a tall rectangle building with a few smaller ones around the base

They drove in and parked next to one of the smaller buildings

"You need me to carry him?" asked Sapnap
"No I'll be right but thanks
Oh and tell Karl to eat for me today plz" George replied

George has always cared alot about his friends because through all the killing and torturing and everything
They've always been there
And besides he is pretty much certain karl and nick are dating and quakity is some weird kind of addon
Or maybe its a poly relationship

Not that george cares what they do because its their life as long as they dont go get themselves killed trying to do a 3 person make out on some job aAnd he likes the entertainment


I pull this tall dirty blonde guy out of the car and pick hik up bridal style
He was a little heavy considering hes way bigger than me but years of training and excercise meant that i was strong enough to carry him decent distances

I carry him into the smaller building and down a flight oof stairs that lead to the basement As im walking down the stairs he makes a small noise like hes waking up and then he wraps his long arms around my neck and pulls my head closer to him almost trying to cuddle my neck whist im carrying him

It disgusted me

The thought of some random guy who saw me kill someone is trying to cuddle me
Then i realise hes still basically asleep but i dont care
I move his arms from around my neck and throw him on the ground
A loud scream of pain is heard
Not loud enough to reach outside tho

I didnt even realise what i threw him at but after a quick look to see what the noise was about i realise i threw him into the corner where all the tools are
Including a saw
Not a chainsaw just a normal saw but it was still enough to cut through his shirt and rip open his side

Blood started pooling and it looked like it hit deep

I gave a small chuckle when i realised it had barely even went that deep and the bleeding would stop quite quickly

Not that he knew that
So i watch at this full grown guy takes his shirt off
In what is supposed to be a somehow dreamy way
And wraps his shirt around a largebut not deep cut on his side

Not gonna lie he looked pathetic and thats not something im used to because i usually go after bad people who make tight laws and kill our allies and innocent people

In honestly not sure what to do with an innocent person tho
I cant have him run to the cops and tell them what i look like
I cant be GeorgeNotFound if the cops find me

So i just treat him like how i treat people we hold ransom
Fuck em up a bit make their families worried and then they pay for the persons "safe" return
Their safe just not unscathed

Dreams mood changed when the bleeding stops like i knew it would and looks at me with a cold almost menacing stare but i could easily see the fear and sadness behind them

His yellow eyes told a story
But ofc i knew they had to be green because of the shade of yellow


The bleeding on my side stops and i look him in the eyes trying the be cold and hide my fear

I honestly disnt care what he did to me
I've been r@ped by my mothers friend to try and "turn me into the staight som she knew"

Ive been abused both before and after they found out my relationship with a boy at school
That relationship ended quickly
And i get picked on for my ADHD by most people
Except by my Bro Quakity except he dissapears from school alot says something about his job

(A/N quakity and dream are best friends for the sake of the story so i can link everyone together at some point through karlnapity)

Honestly with all the other thoughts going through my head i dont think george could do much worse to me
Its not like i had much to stick around for anyways

So i decide to say something
"So you kill people"
"So you talk" he replies

I slightly chuckle at his reply but he just sighs and leans against the wall

"You know thats gonna take forever to clean off the footpath right?"
"Just use some coke and a hose it'll be fine"
"So ill be returning home?"

He thinks for a minute before replying

"Honestly i dont know
You could go tell the cops and then many will die unnecessarily
We'll just have to see what techno says"

I give a small smile
So you got any family mr-
George my names george
How about you?
My names Clay i reply but my friend calls me Dream

"Ahhh yess bc u think when u tale ur shirt off ur some kind of *Dreamy boy*"

No its just a childhood nickname i honestly dont even like my body much like see this
*points to a scar on my arm*
And there are ALOT more flaws than that even ask the people who pick on me they'll give u a book of A thousand and 1 flaws about Clay

"Your not that bad looking" george says"

Your just saying that to make me feel better you dont really think that

"Ok what do u want me to say
Ur an ugly piece of shit or
Your so fucking hot i want you to suffocate me between ur-"

Ok ok i get it
Not ugly according to u

"Besides" *george pulls out a dagger*
"Its not whats up here"
*pats the top of his head with the dagger*
"Its whats in here" *puts the tip of the dagger on dreams chest right where his heart would be*

I feel myself suck my gut in to prevent the dagger from drawing blood

George gets right beside dreams ear and whispers
"Goodnight Dreamy boy-"
George bursts out laughing
Sorry couldnt keep a straight face

Gay! Dream says as george is walking up the steps
"I know!" Georgereplies as he closes the door

Dream hears george fiddle with the door for a little bit probably making sure it was locked and he cant escape dream thinks

Tho now that i think about it
QUAKITY hes probably gonna be worried sick

I get up slighly wincing as i stand up and my cut opens again but doesnt really bleed just stings on the air

How to escape
I think to myself


1233 words

Leme know if u have any suggestions any deaths any requests
Like i will write ANYTHING
That i understand ofc
Like im pretty sure smut means sex after what ive read but
Whats lime
And i see nsfw and angst alot but idk what it is exactly lol plz reply to this and help me ✋😂 but yea ill write anything that u guyd want

Nighty if ur reading this i can see that u added this to ur library lol and if i write something bad DONT THINK DIFFERENT OF ME PLZ LOL

Anyways gn/gm eat sleep drink ect

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